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8. Bayerische Mittelerde Tabletop Meisterschaft - List of Participants

1. Daniel aka "Dontaskme"DSoest334Angmaryesyes
2. Stefan aka "accrock"DJülich138Durin's FolkSauerländer Würfelsturmyesyes
3. Marvin aka "Maerve"DAschaffenburg84The WizardsTeam Westernisyesyes
4. Markus aka "Saruman_der_Weisse"DVaterstetten70AngmarDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesyes
5. Alexander aka "Radagast_der_Braune"DVaterstetten237The Wanderers in the WildDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesyes
6. Martin aka "Lembas"DChemnitz11LothlórienTeam Bruchpunktyesyes
7. Markus aka "sukraM89"DNürnberg43The Eagles of the Misty MountainsTeam Bruchpunktyesyes
8. Tobias aka "Golgiapparillo"DStammbach411The FiefdomsTeam Bruchpunktyesyes
9. Flo aka "Flo_DWBR"DKirchheim45The Eagles of the Misty MountainsDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesyes
10. Sebastian aka "Memento"DBayreuth67Desolator of the NorthTeam Bruchpunktyesyes
11. Alessandro aka "Undomiel"DNürnberg281HaradMartyrionyesyes
12. Tobias aka "Hubeldauer"DDachau92The Eagles of the Misty MountainsStickstoffboyzyesyes
13. Tim aka "GrimmReaper"DArnsberg204The Serpent Hordeyesyes
14. Pascal aka "Vize"DDüsseldorf36Monsters of Middle-EarthStickstoffboyzyesyes
15. Leonard aka "Leo_B"DDitzingen454DunlandOstgilialbyesyes
16. Dennis aka "Drakaria"DSchwarzenbek46The Tower of EcthelionStickstoffboyzyesyes
17. Arno aka "ArnoKR"DBielefeld3The Army of Lake-townTeutoburger Entsyesyes
18. Max aka "Sephiron"AWien42ArnorDer Würfelordenyesyes
19. Philipp aka "Pallando_der_Blaue"DMünchen184Guardians of the CarrockDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesyes
20. Matthias aka "kasch_matt"DBrilon1358Théoden's Hostyesyes
21. Simon aka "sim-"DOberroth22AngmarStickstoffboyzyesyes
22. Julius aka "Schlauchbootkapitan"DNürnberg172The Black GateMartyrionyesyes
23. Benjamin aka "BenHdr"DFrankfurt am Main57The Army of the High Kingyesyes
24. Peter aka "Bareiter"DBayreuth78The WizardsTeam Bruchpunktyesyes
25. Robert aka "Onenote"DSolingen34LothlórienBergische Würfellöwenyesyes
26. Martin aka "JOups"DAnsbach136NúmenorTeam Bruchpunktyesyes
27. Alexander aka "Rudini"DBielefeld20Thranduil's HallTeutoburger Entsyesyes
28. Philipp aka "jan_boris_riemer"DLeipzig38The Wanderers in the WildRot-Weiss Ereboryesyes
29. Paulus Mathis aka "Pathis"DWeimar17EreborRot-Weiss Ereboryesyes
30. Mathieu aka "DelCyber"DOlching170The Eagles of the Misty MountainsStickstoffboyzyesyes
31. Marvin aka "Sturmkraehe"DDachau10The Wild Men of Drúadan ForestStickstoffboyzyesyes
32. Tobias aka "Caldan"DLandsberg52Théoden's HostHallunkenyesyes
33. Phillip Bulwyf aka "Bulwyf"DNehlitz27The Wanderers in the WildHallunkenyesyes
34. Romy aka "romrold"DBielefeld91AngmarTeutoburger Entsyesyes
35. Niklas aka "Huelle"DNürnberg335The Army of the High KingMartyrionyesyes
36. Lukas aka "Smori"DWeimar41FangornRot-Weiss Ereboryesyes
37. Armin aka "Sylvebarb"DWürzburg64RivendellTeam Bruchpunktyesyes
38. Max aka "Eckernjung"DEckernförde149Minas TirithTabletop Nord e.V.yesyes
39. Leo aka "PartyPooper"DNürnberg12Thranduil's HallStickstoffboyzyesyes
40. Max aka "Troubl3"DWerl760The Legions of the White HandSauerländer Würfelsturmyesyes
41. Daniel aka "Bobbynator"DNürnberg568Cirith UngolMartyrionyesyes
42. Manuel aka "M-SB"DKorschenbroich44RivendellBergische Würfellöwenyesyes
43. Philip aka "Haleth"CHSt. Gallen80ArnorDer weiße Turmyesyes
44. Felix aka "feyangola"DArnsberg297The Rangers of IthilienSauerländer Würfelsturmyesyes
45. Stefan aka "brunnebbudler"DDachau131Angmaryesyes
46. Antonio aka "HYBERIAS"DEssen4The Eagles of the Misty MountainsHelden des Westensyesyes
47. Fabian aka "Fabi123"DSchwäbisch Gmünd66The Eagles of the Misty MountainsOstgilialbyesyes
48. Patrick aka "Berzerk1216"DWaidhofen327Sharkey's RoguesBavarian Tableflopyesyes
49. Johann aka "Johann_Siegfried"DOdelzhausen13AngmarStickstoffboyzyesyes
50. Herbert aka "Glorfindel_HerrBert"DMurnau am Staffelsee132RohanDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesyes
51. Nicolas aka "nic169"AFußach112The Eagles of the Misty MountainsDer weiße Turmyesyes
52. Christian aka "Chris89"DGeisenheim338The Easterlingsyesyes
53. Patrick aka "Paschspiele"DBobingen151Desolator of the NorthKAR-TOF-FELNyesyes
54. Felix aka "Celeborn_der_Weise"DKirchheim65The WizardsDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesyes
55. Enrico aka "Khilad"DHamburg60The Eagles of the Misty MountainsTabletop Nord e.V.yesyes
56. Jascha aka "Hrutur"DHamburg25The Dwellers BelowTabletop Nord e.V.yesyes
57. Max aka "Aignuss"DOdelzhausen83The Eagles of the Misty MountainsStickstoffboyzyesyes
58. Leopold aka "GorgorothBeastEnjoyer9000"DEichenau146Angmaryesyes
59. Luca aka "lotr-craft-paint"CHRieden16ArnorIgnoranTeamyesyes
60. Marius aka "BigMrB"DAugsburg153The Wild Men of Drúadan ForestEintracht Bobingenyesyes
61. Lars aka "Iten96"CHEnnetbürgen74LothlórienSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesyes
62. Lukas aka "LukasW"CHUster157The TrollsSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesyes
63. Antonio aka "ElMagnificoo"CHStans48AngmarSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesyes
64. Adriano aka "mr_Thror"DMünchen217Army of Throryesyes
65. Patrick aka "Paddi96"CHHeerbrugg235The Dead of DunharrowSwiss-Middle-Earth Leagueyesyes
66. Roland aka "Hal"CHReinach346The Eagles of the Misty MountainsSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesyes
67. Liam aka "Lucky_1"CHReinach226Guardians of the CarrockSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesyes
68. Marlon aka "Lucky_2"CHReinach259The Wild Men of Drúadan ForestSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesyes
69. Rene aka "Talandrion"DAugsburg571Thranduil's Hallyesyes
70. Axel aka "Aryn"DZellerberg543AngmarMordor's Schergenyesyes
71. Maxi aka "RagingMax"DHaslach241Minas TirithBill das Ponyyesyes
72. Johann aka "Argetlam"DSolingen68MoriaBergische Würfellöwenyesyes
73. Martin aka "MKSharingan"DMünchen392Minas TirithMordor's Schergenyesyes
74. Alexander aka "Allvater"AWien152AngmarDer Rabeyesyes
75. Frank aka "Neutrino"DRottenburg am Neckar167NúmenorKAR-TOF-FELNyesyes
76. Johannes aka "Hansi"DAugsburg640The Tower of Ecthelionyesyes
77. Markus aka "Leptys18"DHamburg2The Eagles of the Misty MountainsTabletop Nord e.V.yesyes
78. Lukas aka "lf8gaming"ALinz233The Eagles of the Misty MountainsWächter der Eisenfeste TCG Steyryesyes
79. Luis aka "Loisl"DEbersberg394The Fiefdomsyesyes
80. Valentin aka "Valichking"AWien96Minas MorgulDie Würfelwölfeyesyes
81. Julian aka "Sausa"CHVolketswil-MoriaSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesyes
82. Felix aka "Artistix"DMünchberg115Minas MorgulTeam Bruchpunktyesyes
83. Pascal aka "PascalB"DRottenburg am Neckar54Barad-dûryesyes
84. Bernhard aka "Endyy"AObertrum am See223Moriayesyes
85. Gregor aka "Sturmprophet"DNeustrelitz30Moriayesyes
86. Carlos aka "Pupe"DIngolstadt-Cirith UngolThe Grey Havensyesyes
87. Ulrich aka "scratchedpaintjob"DMünchen271Desolator of the Northyesyes
88. Fabian aka "Fabi94"DHamburg31The NazgûlTabletop Nord e.V.yesyes
89. Marvin aka "Elgrafi"DPfedelbach7MoriaGefährten des Niederrheinsyesyes
90. Tom aka "pippin26"DGreifswald1The ShireGummibeornbandeyesyes
91. Marc aka "MarcS"CHVolketswil194The Eagles of the Misty Mountainsyesyes
92. David aka "Milonium"DIserlohn-Minas TirithSauerländer Würfelsturmyesyes
93. Benedikt aka "Schatten_im_Sueden"DMünchen280MordorStickstoffboyzyesyes
94. Moritz aka "kamahl90"CHBasel47MoriaSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesno

Distribution of Armies
The Eagles of the Misty Mountains:13
Minas Tirith:4
Desolator of the North:3
The Wanderers in the Wild:3
The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest:3
The Wizards:3
Thranduil's Hall:3
Cirith Ungol:2
Guardians of the Carrock:2
Minas Morgul:2
The Army of the High King:2
The Fiefdoms:2
The Tower of Ecthelion:2
Théoden's Host:2
Army of Thror:1
Durin's Folk:1
Monsters of Middle-Earth:1
Sharkey's Rogues:1
The Army of Lake-town:1
The Black Gate:1
The Dead of Dunharrow:1
The Dwellers Below:1
The Easterlings:1
The Legions of the White Hand:1
The Nazgûl:1
The Rangers of Ithilien:1
The Serpent Horde:1
The Shire:1
The Trolls:1
Distribution of Origins
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