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8. Bayerische Mittelerde Tabletop Meisterschaft - List of Participants

1. Daniel aka "Dontaskme"DSoest327Angmaryesno
2. Stefan aka "accrock"DJülich120Durin's FolkSauerländer Würfelsturmyesno
3. Marvin aka "Maerve"DAschaffenburg76The WizardsTeam Westernisyesno
4. Kay aka "hakseng"DDüsseldorf93The Eagles of the Misty MountainsBergische Würfellöwenyesno
5. Markus aka "Saruman_der_Weisse"DVaterstetten91AngmarDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesno
6. Alexander aka "Radagast_der_Braune"DVaterstetten245The Wanderers in the WildDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesno
7. Martin aka "Lembas"DChemnitz45LothlórienTeam Bruchpunktyesno
8. Markus aka "sukraM89"DNürnberg39The Eagles of the Misty MountainsTeam Bruchpunktyesno
9. Tobias aka "Golgiapparillo"DStammbach443The FiefdomsTeam Bruchpunktyesno
10. Flo aka "Elrond_Herr_des_Westens"DKirchheim28The Eagles of the Misty MountainsDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesno
11. Karsten aka "Harald_van_Horn"DGelsenkirchen94RohanWürfelgötteryesno
12. Sebastian aka "Memento"DBayreuth38Desolator of the NorthTeam Bruchpunktyesno
13. Alessandro aka "Undomiel"DNürnberg418HaradMartyrionyesno
14. Maximilian aka "Gandalf_der_Graue"DKirchheim bei München341MordorDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesno
15. Tobias aka "Hubeldauer"DDachau95The Eagles of the Misty MountainsStickstoffboyzyesno
16. Tim aka "GrimmReaper"DArnsberg274The Serpent Hordeyesno
17. Dustin aka "Ambiel"DArnsberg371Elrond's HouseholdSauerländer Würfelsturmyesno
18. Pascal aka "Vize"DDüsseldorf29Monsters of Middle-EarthStickstoffboyzyesno
19. Leonard aka "Leo_B"DStuttgart548DunlandOstgilialbyesno
20. Dennis aka "Drakaria"DSchwarzenbek34The Tower of EcthelionStickstoffboyzyesno
21. Marcel aka "m3tus"DHamburg203Moriayesno
22. Arno aka "ArnoKR"DBielefeld4The Army of Lake-townTeutoburger Entsyesno
23. Max aka "Sephiron"AWien107ArnorDer Würfelordenyesno
24. Philipp aka "Pallando_der_Blaue"DMünchen190Guardians of the CarrockDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesno
25. Matthias aka "kasch_matt"DBrilon-Théoden's Hostyesno
26. Simon aka "sim-"DOberroth9AngmarStickstoffboyzyesno
27. Julius aka "Schlauchbootkapitan"DNürnberg300The Black GateMartyrionyesno
28. Benjamin aka "BenHdr"DFrankfurt am Main90The Army of the High Kingyesno
29. Peter aka "Bareiter"DBayreuth158The WizardsTeam Bruchpunktyesno
30. Robert aka "Onenote"DSolingen42LothlórienBergische Würfellöwenyesno
31. Martin aka "JOups"DAnsbach116NúmenorTeam Bruchpunktyesno
32. Luca aka "Ligma"DEmden7AngmarTeutoburger Entsyesno
33. Ferdinand aka "Bob_Der_Troll"DMünchen301Desolator of the NorthStickstoffboyzyesno
34. Alexander aka "Rudini"DBielefeld41Thranduil's HallTeutoburger Entsyesno
35. Philipp aka "jan_boris_riemer"DLeipzig59The Wanderers in the WildRot-Weiss Ereboryesno
36. Paulus Mathis aka "Pathis"DWeimar35EreborRot-Weiss Ereboryesno
37. Mathieu aka "DelCyber"DOlching173The Eagles of the Misty MountainsStickstoffboyzyesno
38. Marvin aka "Sturmkraehe"DDachau13The Wild Men of Drúadan ForestStickstoffboyzyesno
39. Tobias aka "Caldan"DLandsberg33Théoden's HostHallunkenyesno
40. Phillip Bulwyf aka "Bulwyf"DNehlitz25The Wanderers in the WildHallunkenyesno
41. Romy aka "romrold"DBielefeld108AngmarTeutoburger Entsyesno
42. Jan aka "Fischersfritz"DNürnberg-The Army of the High KingMartyrionyesno
43. Lukas aka "Smori"DWeimar86FangornRot-Weiss Ereboryesno
44. Armin aka "Sylvebarb"DWürzburg70RivendellTeam Bruchpunktyesno
45. Max aka "Eckernjung"DEckernförde156Minas TirithTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
46. Dirk aka "Dirku-hai"DLeonberg73LothlórienKAR-TOF-FELNyesno
47. Leo aka "PartyPooper"DNürnberg5Thranduil's HallStickstoffboyzyesno
48. Max aka "Troubl3"DWerl-The Legions of the White HandSauerländer Würfelsturmyesno
49. Daniel aka "Bobbynator"DNürnberg-Cirith UngolMartyrionyesno
50. Manuel aka "M-SB"DKorschenbroich62RivendellBergische Würfellöwenyesno
51. Philip aka "Haleth"CHSt. Gallen141ArnorDer weiße Turmyesno
52. Felix aka "feyangola"DArnsberg-The Rangers of IthilienSauerländer Würfelsturmyesno
53. Stefan aka "brunnebbudler"DDachau163Angmaryesno
54. Antonio aka "HYBERIAS"DEssen6The Eagles of the Misty MountainsHelden des Westensyesno
55. Fabian aka "Fabi123"DSchwäbisch Gmünd52The Eagles of the Misty MountainsOstgilialbyesno
56. Patrick aka "Berzerk1216"DWaidhofen397Sharkey's RoguesBavarian Tableflopyesno
57. Robin aka "Thule"DBrensbach235RohanArda Terrainyesno
58. Johann aka "Johann_Siegfried"DOdelzhausen27AngmarStickstoffboyzyesno
59. Herbert aka "Glorfindel_Herr_Bert_des_Westens"DMurnau am Staffelsee176RohanDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesno
60. Nicolas aka "nic169"AFußach262The Eagles of the Misty MountainsDer weiße Turmyesno
61. Christian aka "Chris89"DGeisenheim322The Easterlingsyesno
62. Patrick aka "Paschspiele"DBobingen202Desolator of the NorthKAR-TOF-FELNyesno
63. Dominik aka "Emsi"DDorsten337AngmarWürfelgötteryesno
64. Julia aka "Pasch-Regenbogen-Jule"DBobingen488The Wanderers in the Wildyesno
65. Felix aka "Celeborn_der_Weise"DKirchheim118The WizardsDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesno
66. Enrico aka "Khilad"DHamburg81The Eagles of the Misty MountainsTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
67. Jascha aka "Hrutur"DHamburg32The Dwellers BelowTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
68. Max aka "Aignuss"DOdelzhausen151The Eagles of the Misty MountainsStickstoffboyzyesno
69. Malte aka "TinHunter"DHannover2The WizardsTeutoburger Entsyesno
70. Leopold aka "GorgorothBeastEnjoyer9000"DEichenau186Angmaryesno
71. Luca aka "lotr-craft-paint"CHRieden46ArnorIgnoranTeamyesno
72. Marius aka "BigMrB"DAugsburg299The Wild Men of Drúadan ForestEintracht Bobingenyesno
73. Lars aka "Iten96"CHEnnetbürgen83LothlórienSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesno
74. David aka "Milonium"DIserlohn-Minas TirithSauerländer Würfelsturmyesno
75. Lukas aka "LukasW"CHUster223The TrollsSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesno
76. Luca aka "Lig94"IMilano89ArnorItalyyesno
77. Antonio aka "ElMagnificoo"CHStans22AngmarSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesno
78. Adriano aka "mr_Thror"DMünchen422Army of Throryesno
79. Patrick aka "Paddi96"CHHeerbrugg215The Dead of DunharrowSwiss-Middle-Earth Leagueyesno
80. Roland aka "Hal"CHReinach399The Eagles of the Misty MountainsSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesno
81. Liam aka "Lucky_1"CHReinach401Guardians of the CarrockSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesno
82. Marlon aka "Lucky_2"CHReinach607The Wild Men of Drúadan ForestSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesno
83. Rene aka "Talandrion"DAugsburg-Thranduil's Hallyesno
84. Axel aka "Aryn"DZellerberg540AngmarMordor's Schergenyesno
85. Maxi aka "RagingMax"DHaslach326Minas TirithBill das Ponyyesno
86. Johann aka "Argetlam"DSolingen99MoriaBergische Würfellöwenyesno
87. Martin aka "MKSharingan"DMünchen445Minas TirithMordor's Schergenyesno
88. Alexander aka "Allvater"AWien184AngmarDer Rabeyesno
89. Frank aka "Neutrino"DRottenburg am Neckar166NúmenorKAR-TOF-FELNyesno
90. Johannes aka "Hansi"DAugsburg733The Tower of Ecthelionyesno
91. Markus aka "Leptys18"DHamburg8The Eagles of the Misty MountainsTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
92. Luk aka "lf8gaming"ALinz126The Eagles of the Misty MountainsWächter der Eisenfeste TCG Steyryesno
93. Alexander aka "Xandi"DEbersberg424Khazad-dûmyesno
94. Luis aka "Loisl"DEbersberg416The Fiefdomsyesno
95. Valentin aka "Valichking"AWien61Minas MorgulDie Würfelwölfeyesno
96. Julian aka "Sausa"CHVolketswil-MoriaSwiss Middle-Earth Leagueyesno
Waiting Queue
97. Felix aka "Artistix"DMünchberg183Minas MorgulTeam Bruchpunktyesno
98. Pascal aka "PascalB"DRottenburg am Neckar102Barad-dûryesno
99. Patrick aka "PatrickS93"DSchwäbisch Gmünd78The WizardsOstgilialbyesno
100. Enrico aka "Arphen"DReichertsheim289Thranduil's HallDer Weiß-Blaue Ratyesno
101. Bernhard aka "Endyy"AObertrum am See527Moriayesno
102. Gregor aka "Sturmprophet"DNeustrelitz57Moriayesno
103. Carlos aka "Pupe"DIngolstadt-Cirith UngolThe Grey Havensyesno
104. Ulrich aka "scratchedpaintjob"DMünchen374Desolator of the Northyesno
105. Hauke aka "JayCop"DKiel16The FellowshipTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
106. Fabian aka "Fabi94"DHamburg49The NazgûlTabletop Nord e.V.yesno
107. Felix aka "Scoobey"DStuttgart-Thranduil's Hallsyesno
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
108. Fedor aka "Fedor-kan"DMülheim a.d. Ruhr329AngmarNo teamnono
109. Michael aka "michitaryan"DDachau44The FiefdomsStickstoffboyznono
110. Paul aka "RatedR"DRockolding58The Eagles of the Misty MountainsStickstoffboyznono
111. Max aka "DonMax3000"DLohmar125The Wild Men of Drúadan ForestBergische Würfellöwennono
112. Bernhard aka "von_Richthofen"AFeldkirch114AngmarDer weiße Turmnono
113. Nabil aka "Herobrand"DHamburg363The FiefdomsTabletop Nord e.V.nono
114. Marco aka "Affolter96"CHAttiswil489The FiefdomsSwiss Middle-Earth Leaguenono
115. Moritz aka "kamahl90"CHBasel72MoriaSwiss Middle-Earth Leaguenono
116. Stephan aka "stevo-23"AMutters725The WizardsTeam Tirolnono
117. Christian aka "Zauberlehrling"AGraz308Angmarnono
118. Noel aka "BilbonSaquet"DTrier-The Shirenono

Distribution of Armies
The Eagles of the Misty Mountains:13
Minas Tirith:4
The Wanderers in the Wild:4
The Wizards:4
Desolator of the North:3
The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest:3
Thranduil's Hall:3
Guardians of the Carrock:2
The Army of the High King:2
The Fiefdoms:2
The Tower of Ecthelion:2
Théoden's Host:2
Army of Thror:1
Cirith Ungol:1
Durin's Folk:1
Elrond's Household:1
Monsters of Middle-Earth:1
Sharkey's Rogues:1
The Army of Lake-town:1
The Black Gate:1
The Dead of Dunharrow:1
The Dwellers Below:1
The Easterlings:1
The Legions of the White Hand:1
The Rangers of Ithilien:1
The Serpent Horde:1
The Trolls:1
Distribution of Origins
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