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Gaming Clubs - WOW/Keepers

Club Details
Name: WOW/Keepers
Contact: Anferny (Contact)
Meeting Place: Wien
Address: Loeschenkohlgasse 34/1A
1150 Wien
Description: Tabletop Club

Clublokal mit ca. 110qm, bei uns werden neben den großen Systemen Warhammer Fantasy und WH40K auch die kleineren Systeme wir Necromunda, Mordheim, Warmaster, Blood Bowl und BattleMech sowie diverse andere gepflegt.
Es stehen 15 Spieltische zur Verfügung. Öffnungszeiten entnehmt bitte unserer Homepage.

Neben dem Clublokal in Wien gibt es auch ein Clublokal in Krems (Musikschule) und Clubtreffen in Katzelsdorf (Zinnfigurenmuseum), bei Interesse meldet euch einfach bei mir.

Gruß Zweifler
Website: http://tabletopgames.org
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MembersTabletopsClub PlacementsTournaments
0. Place in the EA-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the FoW-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the SAGA-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the XWING-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the WAoS-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the FWW-clubranking of Europe
4. Place in the SWA-clubranking of Europe
7. Place in the Warm-clubranking of Europe
7. Place in the KoW-clubranking of Europe
21. Place in the SWIA-clubranking of Europe
34. Place in the BB-clubranking of Europe
40. Place in the GB-clubranking of Europe
56. Place in the WM-clubranking of Europe
62. Place in the SWL-clubranking of Europe
63. Place in the LotR-clubranking of Europe
115. Place in the T9A-clubranking of Europe
225. Place in the W40K-clubranking of Europe
250. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the LotR-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the XWING-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the WAoS-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the T9A-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the FWW-clubranking of DGermany
3. Place in the Warm-clubranking of DGermany
55. Place in the WM-clubranking of DGermany
151. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of DGermany
194. Place in the W40K-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the EA-clubranking of AAustria
0. Place in the FoW-clubranking of AAustria
0. Place in the SAGA-clubranking of AAustria
0. Place in the XWING-clubranking of AAustria
0. Place in the WAoS-clubranking of AAustria
1. Place in the Warm-clubranking of AAustria
1. Place in the SWA-clubranking of AAustria
1. Place in the SWIA-clubranking of AAustria
2. Place in the GB-clubranking of AAustria
3. Place in the WM-clubranking of AAustria
3. Place in the KoW-clubranking of AAustria
4. Place in the BB-clubranking of AAustria
4. Place in the T9A-clubranking of AAustria
6. Place in the SWL-clubranking of AAustria
13. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of AAustria
15. Place in the LotR-clubranking of AAustria
22. Place in the W40K-clubranking of AAustria
39. Place in the W40K-clubranking of CHSwitzerland

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