T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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Welcome to T³ - The site completely dedicated to tabletop tournaments

The next tournamentsThe newest tournaments
06-12Bergfest-Ballern - Speed-Warhammer in der Wargaming World 3 [W40K]D86179 Augsburg0/12
06-15At least we tried... Menage a troi [WAoS]D67346 Speyer52/72
06-15I. Siege of Osna [LI]D49090 Osnabrück10/12
06-152. Chemnitzer Old World Turnier [TOW]D09112 Chemnitz7/12
06-15Karl-Franz-Cup 30 [T9A]D85221 Dachau10
06-1591. Bedburger Scheunenkloppen - Eintages GT [W40K]D50181 Bedburg50/40
06-15Wormshammer 40K XXIII [W40K]D67547 Worms22/20
11-30TCS The Old World 2 [TOW]D66115 Saarbrücken6/24
10-05Malifaux - 2nd [MF]D21029 Hamburg1/18
09-28Stuttgart Grand Tournament [WUS]D70174 Stuttgart24
08-10II Galactic Conquest im Zwergenfürst [SWL]D22041 Hamburg7/10
09-15Mondsteine unterm Wasserturm [MS]D27749 Delmenhorst5/10
08-31Schlacht am Torhaus (Schlacht am Steinbruch IV) [WAoS]D31134 Hildesheim4/20
07-27The Outpost V [W40K]D62857 Waldaschaff19/40
The latest newsThe latest tournament news
tec2023-04-11 11:19
Server issues resolved

Due to emergency maintenance before Easter, we were unfortunately unavailable for a few hours and a few problems persisted over the weekend, which prevented the creation of new accounts or tournaments, among other things.

Due to vacations, the problems could only be fixed today. We are sorry, but the old technology is slowly causing us more and more problems. We are working towards a permanent solution and the first step will be an upcoming server move. This will bring downtime again, but we will inform you in time.
tec2022-11-07 17:01
Server load issue [RESOLVED]

Unfortunately, our virus scanner went into the weekend a bit too early on Friday and this resulted in no more emails being sent. This in turn has led to the system becoming slower and slower and there were problems everywhere due to the load.

We have now been able to fix the problem and all outstanding emails have been sent in the last few hours. So if you have been waiting for an (automatic) email from the system, it should have arrived by now.

We are sorry and we will see to it that we detect such problems in a more timely manner in the near future.
tec2022-04-20 08:55
Issue with PayPal payment

There seems to be an issue with our PayPal integration and the PayPal button is just doing nothing. You can use paypal.me/tabletop as a workaround. Please note you order number in the comment so that we can link your payment to your order.

We're looking into the issue asap.
awd2020-09-16 15:45
Tournament Awards 2019

Due to the current sitation and the impact on T³ it took some time to get back on board.

We're happy to finally annouce the best events from 2019.

To the awards...
info2020-07-07 17:23
Reduced German VAT

To alleviate the consequences of Corona, Germany has decided to reduce the value added tax for half a year. This should put a little more money into the wallets of the population.

After some back and forth and talking with our tax consultant, a small detail in the legal basis has the consequence that we will not change the tax shown on T³.

The T³ premium access is a service which will is fully provided at the end of the period. And exactly this end counts for the value added tax. Since all premium purchases will end after 31.12.2020, we are therefore not affected by the reduction if it is not extended.

As we are talking about about 70 cents, we have decided to credit this to your account and let all new premium accounts run one week longer for the same price.
info2020-06-24 16:33
June news summary

Sign of life

With the situation slowly relaxing, the first tournaments are going online again and we are bringing the support back up. During the last weeks we had to keep it on low flame, because more important things were pending and T³ effectively generated zero income. All open requests will be processed within the next 1-2 weeks. Nothing will remain unanswered.

Virtual tournaments

In the last weeks some tournaments have been held via TTS or Discord. We have just installed an update, so that these are marked as "online" on T³ as well. These events are excluded from the rankings. We had set this manually until now. Please contact an admin if you see a tournament that is not listed correctly or is unexpectedly ranked in the rankings.

Premium and cancelled tournaments

As promised, we are going to book some premium time on the accounts of all Corona sufferers for a certain time. There is no exact schedule for this yet.
anc2020-03-29 11:59
T³ and Covid-19

Dear valued tabletop community,

these are hard and sad times for the world, the community and each single person around. Our beloved hobby got hit hard and almost every planned event in the past and upcoming weeks got cancelled. Some requests may have taken a while due to inactive local admins, but we should now be through all of them. Please be patient on new requests as we have to manage work and family like everybody out there.

Although we'll have a small financial loss as most of you hesitate to go for Premium to set up new events due to the unforseen future, we don't want to profit from elapsing Premium accounts in the next months. So we'll grant every user, who was forced to cancel an event, some free Pemium time as soon as the dust has settled and we're back to normal.

So long. Stay safe. Stay health.
Matthias, for the T³ team
tnt2024-06-11 10:47
D2. Dielenclash 40K - Listen im BCP Event freigegeben

Liebe Teilnehmer*innen,

die Listen sind im BCP-Event freigegeben, sodass ihr euch auf die Matches vorbereiten könnt: https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/event/2AL1VTUMCF

Freundliche Grüße und viel Erfolg,
das Dicediele Team
tnt2024-06-10 19:14
DMünsterland Major - WCW QUALIFIER EVENT - Layouts auf Discord veröffentlicht

Die Layouts sind jetzt auf Discord veröffentlicht.
tnt2024-06-10 18:39
DMünsterland Major - WCW QUALIFIER EVENT - Missionen Münsterland Major

Spiel 1: Sweeping Engagement / Take and Hold / Chillig rain

Spiel 2: Sweeping Engagement / Priority Targets / Supply Lines

Spiel 3: Crucible of Battle / Sites of Power / Scrambler Fields

Spiel 4: Search & Destroy / Purge the Foe / Chilling Rain

Spiel 5: Search & Destroy / Scorched Earth / Secret Intel
tnt2024-06-10 11:54
DAIE: Infinitum Fun II - Veranstaltungs-Booklet


Hier der Link zum Booklet:

Abgesehen von den Missionen hat eine weitere Änderung stattgefunden:
Die vorgeschlagene Silhouettengröße der 40mm Missionsmarker wurde von S5 auf S3 abgeändert.

Viele Grüße
tnt2024-06-09 23:29
D2. Fischkrieg Classic Masters - Regelupdate

Einige Fehler wurden beseitigt.
Einige Sachen wurden klargestellt.

Bitte beachtet, das jeder 4 Mechs für jedes Spiel aufstellen muss. Nicht 2,3 oder 5. 4 = Vier

Das neue PDF liegt ab unter
tnt2024-06-09 16:48
DHear me Roar IX Knights of Summer - Der Stats Link zum Turnier ist eingefügt worden

tnt2024-06-09 16:31
DWormshammer 40K XXIII - Verlängerung des Anmeldeschlusses

Hallo zusammen,

Da wir diesmal noch nicht ganz voll sind verlängern wir das Ende der Anmeldung bis zum Mittwoch den 12.06

Wer also noch Zeit und Lust hat kann sich gerne zu uns stoßen.

Gruß euer Lukas
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