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2. Fränkische Meisterschaft auf der Plassenburg - Tournament Results

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Pascal aka "Vize"DDüsseldorfStickstoffboyzMonsters of Middle-Earth0
2.2.p2Bastian aka "La-manzana"DLudwigshafen am RheinStickstoffboyzThe Dwellers Below0
3.3.p3Martin aka "Lembas"DChemnitzTeam BruchpunktThe Serpent Horde0
4.4.Johann aka "Johann_Siegfried"DOdelzhausenStickstoffboyzAngmar0
5.5.Fabian aka "Fabi123"DSchwäbisch GmündOstgilialbThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
6.6.Armin aka "Sylvebarb"DWürzburgTeam BruchpunktThe Grey Havens0
7.7.Axel aka "TribbleA"DNürnbergTeam BruchpunktThe Shire0
8.8.Markus aka "Saruman_der_Weisse"DVaterstettenWeiß Blaue RatThe Dead of Dunharrow0
9.9.Tom aka "Unterberg"DMeringEintracht BobingenMordor0
10.10.Tim aka "timongus"DWiesbadenTeam WesternisThe Grey Havens0
11.11.Tobias aka "Hubeldauer"DDachauStickstoffboyzThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
12.12.Bernhard aka "von_Richthofen"AFeldkirchDer Weiße TurmThranduil's Halls0
13.13.Björn aka "Bragon"DGau-AlgesheimTeam WesternisThe Wild Men of Drúadan Forest0
14.14.Paul aka "RatedR"DRockoldingStickstoffboyzThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
15.15.Lukas aka "Smori"DWeimarRot-Weiss EreborMinas Morgul0
16.16.Simon aka "sim-"DOberrothWeiss Blaue StrategenAngmar0
17.17.Marvin aka "Maerve"DAschaffenburgTeam WesternisThe Wizards0
18.18.Fabian aka "Sanderman"ABartholomäbergDer Weiße TurmThe Wizards0
19.19.Philip aka "Haleth"CHSt. GallenKnights of the TableAngmar0
20.20.Leo aka "PartyPooper"DNürnbergTeam BruchpunktMinas Tirith0
21.21.Jonas W.DPassauDreif(l)usshobbitsThe Fiefdoms0
22.22.Karsten aka "MrMue"DHalleHallunkenThe Shire0
23.23.Markus aka "sukraM89"DNürnbergTeam BruchpunktThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
24.24.Philipp aka "jan_boris_riemer"DLeipzigRot-Weiss EreborCirith Ungol0
25.25.Lukas aka "Peterpan123"DNettetalGefährten des NiederrheinsThe Grey Company0
26.26.Flo aka "Flo_DWBR"DKirchheimWeiß Blaue RatThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
27.27.Peter aka "Bareiter"DBayreuthTeam BruchpunktMordor0
28.28.Marvin aka "Elgrafi"DOffenbach am MainSwmfThe Nazgûl0
29.29.Max aka "Sephiron"AWienDer WürfelordenGarrison of Dale0
30.30.Sebastian aka "SL93"DBambergTeam BruchpunktThe Tower of Ecthelion0
31.31.Sebastian aka "Memento"DBayreuthTeam BruchpunktThe Dwellers Below0
32.32.Maximilian aka "Khmaos"DStadtbergenStickstoffboyzThe Dead of Dunharrow0
33.33.Mathieu aka "DelCyber"DOlchingStickstoffboyzThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
34.34.Paul aka "The_Force"AFeldkirchDer Weiße TurmThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
35.35.Dirk aka "Dirku-hai"DLeonbergSchwarzwaldläuferIsengard0
36.36.Tobias aka "Caldan"DLandsbergHallunkenAzog's Hunters0
37.37.Philipp K.DMünchenGuardians of the Carrock0
38.38.Marco aka "Apokalypt"CHBerneckWestside DiceghostsMinas Tirith0
39.39.Ferdinand aka "Bob_Der_Troll"DMünchenStickstoffboyzDesolator of the North0
40.40.Nicolas aka "nic169"AFußachDer Weiße TurmThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
41.41.Anton aka "MrMueJunior"DErfurtHallunkenAngmar0
42.42.Niels aka "Mr-No-Name"DHennefGefährten des NiederrheinsThe Wild Men of Drúadan Forest0
43.43.Tobias aka "Tobythebrush"DMonheim am RheinStickstoffboyzThe Wild Men of Drúadan Forest0
44.44.Martin aka "JOups"DAnsbachTeam BruchpunktKhazad-dûm0
45.45.Manuel aka "ManuDerBlaue"DPlüderhausenOsgilialbEregion and Rivendell0
46.46.Maurice aka "Vloki"DWiedemar Ot QueringTeam BruchpunktAngmar0
47.47.Paulus Mathis aka "Pathis"DWeimarRot-Weiss EreborErebor0
48.48.Phillip Bulwyf aka "Bulwyf"DNehlitzHallunkenMordor0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Gefährten des Niederrheins (2)0.00
2.Weiß Blaue Rat (2)0.00
3.Team Westernis (3)0.00
4.Der Weiße Turm (4)0.00
5.Stickstoffboyz (9)0.00
6.Team Bruchpunkt (10)0.00
7.Hallunken (4)0.00
8.Rot-Weiss Erebor (3)0.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Bayreuth (2)0.00
2.München (2)0.00
3.Weimar (2)0.00
4.Nürnberg (3)0.00
5.Feldkirch (2)0.00

Army Results:

1.Desolator of the North (1)0.00
2.Cirith Ungol (1)0.00
3.The Shire (1)0.00
4.Azog's Hunters (1)0.00
5.Minas Morgul (1)0.00
6.The Shire (1)0.00
7.The Serpent Horde (1)0.00
8.The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest (3)0.00
9.Garrison of Dale (1)0.00
10.The Wizards (2)0.00
11.Mordor (3)0.00
12.The Fiefdoms (1)0.00
13.The Tower of Ecthelion (1)0.00
14.The Grey Company (1)0.00
15.The Grey Havens (2)0.00
16.The Dead of Dunharrow (2)0.00
17.Thranduil's Halls (1)0.00
18.The Nazgûl (1)0.00
19.The Eagles of the Misty Mountains (8)0.00
20.Erebor (1)0.00
21.Angmar (3)0.00
22.Guardians of the Carrock (1)0.00
23.Minas Tirith (2)0.00
24.Angmar (2)0.00
25.Eregion and Rivendell (1)0.00
26.The Dwellers Below (2)0.00
27.Khazad-dûm (1)0.00
28.Isengard (1)0.00
29.Monsters of Middle-Earth (1)0.00
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