No. |
Place |
Name |
Origin |
Team |
Army |
Total |
1. | 1. | Pascal aka "Vize" | Düsseldorf | Stickstoffboyz | Monsters of Middle-Earth | 0 |
2. | 2. | Bastian aka "La-manzana" | Ludwigshafen am Rhein | Stickstoffboyz | The Dwellers Below | 0 |
3. | 3. | Martin aka "Lembas" | Chemnitz | Team Bruchpunkt | The Serpent Horde | 0 |
4. | 4. | Johann aka "Johann_Siegfried" | Odelzhausen | Stickstoffboyz | Angmar | 0 |
5. | 5. | Fabian aka "Fabi123" | Schwäbisch Gmünd | Ostgilialb | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | 0 |
6. | 6. | Armin aka "Sylvebarb" | Würzburg | Team Bruchpunkt | The Grey Havens | 0 |
7. | 7. | Axel aka "TribbleA" | Nürnberg | Team Bruchpunkt | The Shire | 0 |
8. | 8. | Markus aka "Saruman_der_Weisse" | Vaterstetten | Weiß Blaue Rat | The Dead of Dunharrow | 0 |
9. | 9. | Tom aka "Unterberg" | Mering | Eintracht Bobingen | Mordor | 0 |
10. | 10. | Tim aka "timongus" | Wiesbaden | Team Westernis | The Grey Havens | 0 |
11. | 11. | Tobias aka "Hubeldauer" | Dachau | Stickstoffboyz | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | 0 |
12. | 12. | Bernhard aka "von_Richthofen" | Feldkirch | Der Weiße Turm | Thranduil's Halls | 0 |
13. | 13. | Björn aka "Bragon" | Gau-Algesheim | Team Westernis | The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest | 0 |
14. | 14. | Paul aka "RatedR" | Rockolding | Stickstoffboyz | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | 0 |
15. | 15. | Lukas aka "Smori" | Weimar | Rot-Weiss Erebor | Minas Morgul | 0 |
16. | 16. | Simon aka "sim-" | Oberroth | Weiss Blaue Strategen | Angmar | 0 |
17. | 17. | Marvin aka "Maerve" | Aschaffenburg | Team Westernis | The Wizards | 0 |
18. | 18. | Fabian aka "Sanderman" | Bartholomäberg | Der Weiße Turm | The Wizards | 0 |
19. | 19. | Philip aka "Haleth" | St. Gallen | Knights of the Table | Angmar | 0 |
20. | 20. | Leo aka "PartyPooper" | Nürnberg | Team Bruchpunkt | Minas Tirith | 0 |
21. | 21. | Jonas W. | Passau | Dreif(l)usshobbits | The Fiefdoms | 0 |
22. | 22. | Karsten aka "MrMue" | Halle | Hallunken | The Shire | 0 |
23. | 23. | Markus aka "sukraM89" | Nürnberg | Team Bruchpunkt | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | 0 |
24. | 24. | Philipp aka "jan_boris_riemer" | Leipzig | Rot-Weiss Erebor | Cirith Ungol | 0 |
25. | 25. | Lukas aka "Peterpan123" | Nettetal | Gefährten des Niederrheins | The Grey Company | 0 |
26. | 26. | Flo aka "Flo_DWBR" | Kirchheim | Weiß Blaue Rat | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | 0 |
27. | 27. | Peter aka "Bareiter" | Bayreuth | Team Bruchpunkt | Mordor | 0 |
28. | 28. | Marvin aka "Elgrafi" | Offenbach am Main | Swmf | The Nazgûl | 0 |
29. | 29. | Max aka "Sephiron" | Wien | Der Würfelorden | Garrison of Dale | 0 |
30. | 30. | Sebastian aka "SL93" | Bamberg | Team Bruchpunkt | The Tower of Ecthelion | 0 |
31. | 31. | Sebastian aka "Memento" | Bayreuth | Team Bruchpunkt | The Dwellers Below | 0 |
32. | 32. | Maximilian aka "Khmaos" | Stadtbergen | Stickstoffboyz | The Dead of Dunharrow | 0 |
33. | 33. | Mathieu aka "DelCyber" | Olching | Stickstoffboyz | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | 0 |
34. | 34. | Paul aka "The_Force" | Feldkirch | Der Weiße Turm | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | 0 |
35. | 35. | Dirk aka "Dirku-hai" | Leonberg | Schwarzwaldläufer | Isengard | 0 |
36. | 36. | Tobias aka "Caldan" | Landsberg | Hallunken | Azog's Hunters | 0 |
37. | 37. | Philipp K. | München | | Guardians of the Carrock | 0 |
38. | 38. | Marco aka "Apokalypt" | Berneck | Westside Diceghosts | Minas Tirith | 0 |
39. | 39. | Ferdinand aka "Bob_Der_Troll" | München | Stickstoffboyz | Desolator of the North | 0 |
40. | 40. | Nicolas aka "nic169" | Fußach | Der Weiße Turm | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | 0 |
41. | 41. | Anton aka "MrMueJunior" | Erfurt | Hallunken | Angmar | 0 |
42. | 42. | Niels aka "Mr-No-Name" | Hennef | Gefährten des Niederrheins | The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest | 0 |
43. | 43. | Tobias aka "Tobythebrush" | Monheim am Rhein | Stickstoffboyz | The Wild Men of Drúadan Forest | 0 |
44. | 44. | Martin aka "JOups" | Ansbach | Team Bruchpunkt | Khazad-dûm | 0 |
45. | 45. | Manuel aka "ManuDerBlaue" | Plüderhausen | Osgilialb | Eregion and Rivendell | 0 |
46. | 46. | Maurice aka "Vloki" | Wiedemar Ot Quering | Team Bruchpunkt | Angmar | 0 |
47. | 47. | Paulus Mathis aka "Pathis" | Weimar | Rot-Weiss Erebor | Erebor | 0 |
48. | 48. | Phillip Bulwyf aka "Bulwyf" | Nehlitz | Hallunken | Mordor | 0 |
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points |