GoePP - The Goettinger Pairing Program
The "Goettinger Pairing Programm" (abbr. GoePP) is a Windows-software, that allows a comfortable administration of your running tournament. Its main use is the creation of the player pairings based on the Swiss System. There a lots of options to configure the process. You can for example activate that one player won't play against his own army/faction or against a player he already battled.
In addition to this core feature the GoePP supports the handling of the gaming rounds with a couple of handy prints (like current pairings or standings etc). Special stuff like painting or fairplay are also taken into account.
Finally the GoePP is fully compatible with T³ and allows an easy data exchange between a T³-tournament and itself. So you can export your tournament sign ups from T³ and import them into the GoePP. It also works the other way round to get the results onto T³ back again.
If you're interested in the GoePP now, don't wait with the download. If you have any questions, contact the author Heimdall or one of the T³-admins. Don't hesitate to share any feedback. It's surely welcome.
The download button delivers in modern browsers a file named "goepp.zip". If you get a file with a different name, please rename it to "goepp.zip" (Beware of hidden file types!). |
Filetype: zipped Windows-Executable
Fileversion: 1.5.0
Filesize: 1.1 MB
Downloads: 81779 (total: 84645)
2010-07-14 10:08
Locale GoePP versions
Due to a bug all GoePP downloads have been set to German as the default language. This is fixed now and you'll get the GoePP set to your active T³-language or English, if there's no localized version yet.
We will offer localized versions in Polish and Dutch soon.
Link: GoePP page
2008-01-30 10:40
Announcing Version 2
We're announcing a complete rework of the GoePP. If you have any wishes or ideas, feel free to post it on our support board or here in the comments.
A little preview on the planed features: * Easier to use * multilingual * Better communication between GoePP and T³ * Better support for team tournaments * Comfortable save/load of tournaments and configuration * Predefined, selectable paaring setups * and more
The GoePP is programmed by: Matthias "Heimdall" Pfeilsticker