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TAK IV - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

FBruno aka "Leloup"player-award-bestgeneralBest General
FDamien aka "Dablama"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
FMehdi aka "Alphie"player-award-fairplayFairest Player

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Bruno aka "Leloup"player-award-bestgeneralFMontpellierChatetouEmpire of Dust104
2.2.p2Mehdi aka "Alphie"player-award-fairplayFLyonLes Rats corruptiblesSylvan Kin84
3.3.p3Kevin aka "Ketep"FAureilMagisteres lemovices forbannisTrident Realms of Neritica80
4.4.Julien aka "MyNicknameIsBetterThanYours"FBourgesLa Charge des figurinesGoblins79
5.5.Céleste aka "Jarekson"FSaint Jean ChambreLes Rats corruptiblesOrder of the Green Lady75
6.6.Jean-Luc aka "pepestilence"FSaint Bonnet BrianceMagisteres lemovices forbannisUndead73
7.7.Damien aka "Dablama"player-award-bestpaintedFBarbièresL'indicibleOrder of the Brothermark70
8.8.Rachid aka "Le_Cul_de_Jatte"FGermignacl'equipe qui defourailleTrident Realms of Neritica69
9.9.Thierry aka "El_chatardo"FLa Salvetat St GillesOrk'n azesGoblins64
10.10.Kevin aka "firegantelet"FSAINT-DOULCHARDLa Charge des figurinesOgres62
11.11.Michel aka "Kutchuc"FToulouseOrk'n azesDwarfs58
12.12.Nataël aka "Rako"FVernoux-En-VivaraisLes Rats corruptiblesAbyssal Dwarfs56
13.13.David aka "Tristelune"FBourgesLa Charge des figurinesOrcs56
14.14.Liam aka "Liam_Silence"FGrenobleLes Rats corruptiblesNightstalkers54
15.15.Joaquim aka "jooo"FVernoux En VivaraisNorthern Alliance47
16.16.Patrick aka "AEnoriel"FValenceLes Rats CorruptiblesEmpire of Dust46
17.17.Eric aka "LeVil1"FGienForces of the Abyss29
18.18.Elias aka "Morzaad"FSilhacLes Rats corruptiblesForces of the Abyss23
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Magisteres lemovices forbannis (2)76.50
2.La Charge des figurines (3)65.67
3.Ork'n azes (2)61.00
4.Les Rats corruptibles (6)56.33

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Bourges (2)67.50

Army Results:

1.Sylvan Kin (1)84.00
2.Order of the Green Lady (1)75.00
3.Empire of Dust (2)75.00
4.Trident Realms of Neritica (2)74.50
5.Undead (1)73.00
6.Goblins (2)71.50
7.Order of the Brothermark (1)70.00
8.Ogres (1)62.00
9.Dwarfs (1)58.00
10.Abyssal Dwarfs (1)56.00
11.Orcs (1)56.00
12.Nightstalkers (1)54.00
13.Northern Alliance (1)47.00
14.Forces of the Abyss (2)26.00
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