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9e Age of Waaagh - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

FMatthieu aka "Tuttle"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
FSimon aka "Fromagefondu"player-award-bestgeneralBest General

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Simon aka "Fromagefondu"player-award-bestgeneralFParisLes Résistants BattleOgre Khans0
2.3.p3Alexandre aka "18alex93"FParisLes Résistants BattleDwarven Holds0
3.3.p3Josselin aka "baooss"FBourg-La-ReineTeam Tibo in shapeDread Elves0
4.4.Fabrice aka "Mc_Khaine"FOrvilliersLes Résistants BattleSylvan Elves0
5.5.Marc aka "Trauma"FLa Colle Sur LoupInfernal Dwarves0
6.6.Thibault aka "Ankor"FParisTeam MölkkyHighborn Elves0
7.7.Xavier aka "Biboun_Slayer"DMannheimFBJThe Vermin Swarm0
8.8.Julien aka "lafrite"FNeuilly Sur SeineHighborn Elves0
9.9.Thomas aka "Lake"FMontrougeFBJOgre Khans0
10.10.Maxime aka "Mweax"FParisLes Résistants BattleDwarven Holds0
11.11.Antoine aka "Leovric"FParisEmpire of Sonnstahl0
12.12.Matthieu aka "Tuttle"player-award-bestpaintedFCréteilLes Résistants BattleSylvan Elves0
13.13.Jean-Cyrille aka "valius-lisanus"FAntonyFBJEmpire of Sonnstahl0
14.14.Christophe aka "elvyl"FPontoiseThe Vermin Swarm0
15.15.Alexandre aka "Seven"FRouenLes Résistants BattleOgre Khans0
16.16.Giard aka "Krog2"FMARCHEZAIS (28410)Ogre Khans0
17.17.Benoit aka "groblin"FLe Kremlin BicetreLes Résistants BattleDread Elves0
18.18.Guillaume aka "Khrom"FToulLes Loups du TéméraireWarriors of the Dark Gods0
19.19.Christophe aka "Gajal"FAthis-MonsGrenadiers de l'EssonneVampire Covenant0
20.20.Fabrice aka "Babnik"FJoinville le PontFBJ Canal HistoriqueDread Elves0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Les Résistants Battle (7)0.00
2.FBJ (3)0.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Paris (5)0.00

Army Results:

1.Ogre Khans (4)0.00
2.Dread Elves (3)0.00
3.Sylvan Elves (2)0.00
4.Infernal Dwarves (1)0.00
5.Empire of Sonnstahl (2)0.00
6.The Vermin Swarm (2)0.00
7.Highborn Elves (2)0.00
8.Dwarven Holds (2)0.00
9.Vampire Covenant (1)0.00
10.Warriors of the Dark Gods (1)0.00
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