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X-Wing Regional Warm-Up - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

DChristoph aka "Icaa"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Bester Pilot des Abschaums
D(anonym)player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Eier aus Stahl!
DMartin aka "splitta"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Bester Pilot der Rebellenallianz
DMax aka "Razupaltuff"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Tapferster Jungpilot
DSebastian K.player-award-youngbloodYoungblood
DSimon aka "Feuerkelch"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
DVolker aka "KitingDude"player-award-bestgeneralBest General
DVolker aka "KitingDude"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Bester Pilot des Imperiums

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Volker aka "KitingDude"player-award-bestgeneralplayer-award-specialDBielefeldLone WolvesGalactic Empire4
2.2.p2Christoph aka "Icaa"player-award-specialDLangenbergLone WolvesScum and Villainy4
3.3.p3Simon aka "Feuerkelch"player-award-bestpaintedDDortmundGames on TablesScum and Villainy3
4.4.Daniel aka "DonFrag"DMünsterGames on TablesScum and Villainy3
5.5.Thorsten aka "Migi"DVoerdeVBBLGalactic Empire3
6.6.Martin aka "splitta"player-award-specialDBielefeldRebel Alliance3
7.7.Carsten aka "Pyropuschel"DMünsterRogue Squadron MünsterRebel Alliance3
8.8.Mark-Philipp aka "mind"DMünsterRogue Squadron MünsterGalactic Empire3
9.9.Kevin aka "Backfire84"DDüsseldorfSegnor NoobsScum and Villainy2
10.10.(anonym)DLone WolvesRebel Alliance2
11.11.Joscha aka "Suryan"DDortmundGames on TablesRebel Alliance2
12.12.Robert aka "LoneStarr"DVelbertRockhopper´s Rhein/RuhrScum and Villainy2
13.13.(anonym)DRebel Alliance2
14.14.Bernd aka "BeBo"DBottropRockhopper´s Rhein/RuhrGalactic Empire2
15.15.Robert aka "Rudi"DEssenSternenkriegerGalactic Empire2
16.16.Sebastian aka "DerSeb"DOberhauseneVaderSScum and Villainy2
17.17.Björn aka "Danthor"DDortmundGames on TablesGalactic Empire2
18.18.(anonym)DBGScum and Villainy2
19.19.Jan-Philipp aka "Affenkopf"DMülheim RuhrRockhopper´s Rhein/RuhrGalactic Empire2
20.20.Sebastian K.player-award-youngbloodDDortmundRebel Alliance1
21.21.Alexander aka "ludger"DOlsbergRebel Alliance1
22.22.Alex aka "allu"DDüsseldorfGalactic Empire1
23.23.(anonym)DMean Old BreedScum and Villainy1
24.24.Philipp aka "Teutes"DWeselVBBLGalactic Empire1
25.25.Christian "sid" W.DHerzebrockO'Bannion BandeGalactic Empire1
26.26.Ricardo K.DKölnGalactic Empire1
27.27.(anonym)player-award-specialDO'Bannion BandeRebel Alliance1
28.28.Max aka "Razupaltuff"player-award-specialDBottropRockhopper´s Rhein/RuhrRebel Alliance0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Lone Wolves (3)3.33
2.Rogue Squadron Münster (2)3.00
3.Games on Tables (4)2.50
4.VBBL (2)2.00
5.Rockhopper´s Rhein/Ruhr (4)1.50
6.O'Bannion Bande (2)1.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Münster (3)3.00
2.Bielefeld (3)3.00
3.Dortmund (4)2.00
4.Düsseldorf (2)1.50
5.Köln (2)1.00
6.Bottrop (2)1.00

Army Results:

1.Scum and Villainy (8)2.38
2.Galactic Empire (11)2.00
3.Rebel Alliance (9)1.67
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