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WM/H Spree-Attack vol. I - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

.player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Springer der Herzen und Küchenchef
DChristian aka "ChrisMD"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Most CK (3)
DFelix aka "Failix"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
D(anonym)player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Highest SoS & CP
DMarcel aka "wazzi"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Most VP (130)

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1(anonym)player-award-specialDTabletop BremerhavenCryx4
2.2.p2Leif aka "Snowmelter"DBraunschweigLudo ergo sumThe Circle Orboros4
3.3.p3Tobias aka "Linsengericht"DBerlinSuppeThe Circle Orboros3
4.4.Frontkommandeur aka "Aufs_Maul"DBremenKritisch danebenCryx3
5.5.Marcel aka "Behemoth"DBerlinXenosTrollblood3
6.6.Christian aka "ChrisMD"player-award-specialDBremenKritisch danebenCygnar3
7.7.Felix aka "Failix"player-award-bestpaintedDLeipzigTabletop SachsenProtectorate of Menoth3
8.8.Kosta aka "anachronist"DBerlinSpreepiratenTrollblood2
9.9.Kevin aka "Nox"DBerlinXenosRetribution of Scyrah2
10.10.Bernhard aka "BiberXX"DBerlinSpreepiratenKhador2
11.11.Marcel aka "wazzi"player-award-specialDBerlinSuppeRetribution of Scyrah2
12.12.Leon aka "Commander_Vimes"DBerlinSpreepiratenProtectorate of Menoth2
13.13.Oliver aka "drdoom"DBerlinCryx2
14.14.Florian aka "E-B_Clucher"DBerlinProtectorate of Menoth2
15.15.Michael aka "Tanjol"DBerlinSpreepiratenLegion of Everblight2
16.16.Thomas aka "Scetcher"DBerlinSpreepiratenCygnar1
17.17.Robert aka "F72511"DBerlinMercenaries1
18.18.Mattes aka "Mythenherz"DBerlinThe Circle Orboros1
19.19.Martin aka "Fomorian"DBerlinSpreepiratenThe Skorne1
20.20.Tobias aka "Cheros"DFreibergDrachenhortRetribution of Scyrah1
21.21.Lars aka "Lars01"DBerlinProtectorate of Menoth1
22.22.Marcel B.DBerlinCryx1
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Kritisch daneben (2)3.00
2.Suppe (2)2.50
3.Xenos (2)2.50
4.Spreepiraten (6)1.67

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Bremen (2)3.00
2.Berlin (16)1.75

Army Results:

1.The Circle Orboros (3)2.67
2.Trollblood (2)2.50
3.Cryx (4)2.50
4.Protectorate of Menoth (4)2.00
5.Legion of Everblight (1)2.00
6.Cygnar (2)2.00
7.Khador (1)2.00
8.Retribution of Scyrah (3)1.67
9.The Skorne (1)1.00
10.Mercenaries (1)1.00
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