Démonstrations et rencontre Heavy Gear GNF9 |
Description: Nous allons présenter la dernière version des règles de ce jeu de robots.
Il y aura des rencontres qui se feront en 1000 pts.
Organizers: void (Contact), raskal (Contact), Dreadaxe (Contact)
Gamesystem: Heavy Gear Blitz (HGB)
Start: 2008-10-25 10:00
End: 2008-10-26 14:00
Seats: 5
Charge: none
Le GalionRue Marcel Collange63360 GerzatFrance
Website: http://heavygear-france.blogspot.com/ https://www.tabletopturniere.de/ch/t3_tournament.php?tid=3715
Load:60% Info: The tournament has ended.
Other tournaments at this event: * Hell Dorado * Infinity * Warhammer Fantasy Battles * Infinity * Warhammer 40K * Alkemy * Blood Bowl * Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game * Legends of the Old West * Blitzkrieg Commander * Wings of Glory * Urban War
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