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NTRv3.0 - Club ranking of Switzerland

Start of the data acquisition: 2004-01-01
Last update: 2024-11-20 05:30
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Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Average NTR-points
1.MiniaturenmalerCHSwitzerland, 8050 Zürich11.26
2.Area57CHSwitzerland, 6045 Meggen10.49
3.Knights of the TableCHSwitzerland, 9015 St. Gallen-Winkeln6.55
4.Adeptus GeekusCHSwitzerland, 1630 Bulle4.07
5.FigureheadsCHSwitzerland, 4052 Basel3.00
6.White Tower Middle-earth TabletopAAustria, 6800 Feldkirch2.80
7.Ausgewürfelte GentlemenDGermany, 79098 Freiburg2.39
8.La Cave à ThurlekCHSwitzerland, 1071 St-Saphorin0.63
9.WarrivieraCHSwitzerland, 1096 Cully0.34
10.Ordo Cubus BernensisCHSwitzerland, 3008 Bern0.29
11.MAD CLUBFFrance, 68720 Zillisheim0.21

Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Total NTR-points
1.MiniaturenmalerCHSwitzerland, 8050 Zürich78.80
2.Area57CHSwitzerland, 6045 Meggen62.94
3.Knights of the TableCHSwitzerland, 9015 St. Gallen-Winkeln32.73
4.Adeptus GeekusCHSwitzerland, 1630 Bulle16.30
5.Au dès qu'a DentsCHSwitzerland, 1870 Monthey12.53
6.FigureheadsCHSwitzerland, 4052 Basel11.99
7.Ausgewürfelte GentlemenDGermany, 79098 Freiburg9.55
8.White Tower Middle-earth TabletopAAustria, 6800 Feldkirch5.60
9.MournivalCHSwitzerland, 5728 Gontenschwil4.37
10.La Guilde LudikFFrance, 74930 Reignier3.44
11.WürfelwachtDGermany, 79618 Rheinfelden3.11
12.La Confrérie des MâlemouleuxFFrance, 69380 Lozanne2.18
13.IgluanzünderCHSwitzerland, 3054 Schüpfen1.53
14.Wargaming TicinoCHSwitzerland, 6512 Giubiasco1.47
15.Sons of GamesCHSwitzerland, 1700 Fribourg1.35
16.La Cave à ThurlekCHSwitzerland, 1071 St-Saphorin1.26
17.Ordo Cubus BernensisCHSwitzerland, 3008 Bern1.18
18.Battering RamsCHSwitzerland, 8240 Thayngen1.04
19.MAD CLUBFFrance, 68720 Zillisheim1.03
20.WarrivieraCHSwitzerland, 1096 Cully1.03
21.KMGB Ośmiornica ŁódzkaPLPoland, 90113 Łódź0.29

Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Number of players listed in the NTR
1.MiniaturenmalerCHSwitzerland, 8050 Zürich7
2.Area57CHSwitzerland, 6045 Meggen6
3.MAD CLUBFFrance, 68720 Zillisheim5
3.Knights of the TableCHSwitzerland, 9015 St. Gallen-Winkeln5
5.FigureheadsCHSwitzerland, 4052 Basel4
5.Adeptus GeekusCHSwitzerland, 1630 Bulle4
5.Ausgewürfelte GentlemenDGermany, 79098 Freiburg4
5.Ordo Cubus BernensisCHSwitzerland, 3008 Bern4
9.WarrivieraCHSwitzerland, 1096 Cully3
10.La Cave à ThurlekCHSwitzerland, 1071 St-Saphorin2
10.White Tower Middle-earth TabletopAAustria, 6800 Feldkirch2
12.Wargaming TicinoCHSwitzerland, 6512 Giubiasco1
12.WürfelwachtDGermany, 79618 Rheinfelden1
12.Sons of GamesCHSwitzerland, 1700 Fribourg1
12.La Guilde LudikFFrance, 74930 Reignier1
12.Battering RamsCHSwitzerland, 8240 Thayngen1
12.La Confrérie des MâlemouleuxFFrance, 69380 Lozanne1
12.Au dès qu'a DentsCHSwitzerland, 1870 Monthey1
12.KMGB Ośmiornica ŁódzkaPLPoland, 90113 Łódź1
12.IgluanzünderCHSwitzerland, 3054 Schüpfen1
12.MournivalCHSwitzerland, 5728 Gontenschwil1

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