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La Spirale du Destin 2021 - W40K - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

CHLaurent aka "DingZy"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
CHSébastien aka "vandir"player-award-bestgeneralBest General

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Sébastien aka "vandir"player-award-bestgeneralCHSionLa confrérie galactiqueDrukhari100
2.2.p2Marc aka "Reiya"CHLausanneLa Bande à ThurlekEldar72
3.3.p3Paul aka "Redsloth"CHGenèveWar-EHLSpace Marines70
4.4.Yanick aka "Ayrox"CHLausanneBuccannersThousand Sons68
5.5.Laurent aka "DingZy"player-award-bestpaintedCHLeuk StadtNecrons67
6.6.Tristan aka "Titi44"CHChapelle-sur-MoudonLa confrérie galactiqueSpace Marines59
7.7.Patrick aka "psrizzo"CHBruggShadowlordsDeathwatch59
8.8.Julien aka "Mehta"CHAigleGrey Knights38
9.9.Jonathan aka "Mordraak"CHMartignyAgares MordraakChaos Daemons49
10.10.Joao aka "jagsousa"CHLausanneDark Angels43
11.11.Julien aka "Joule"CHSionSpace Marines39
12.12.Bob aka "Fantome"CHSionAstra Militarum29
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.La confrérie galactique (2)79.50

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Lausanne (3)61.00
2.Sion (3)56.00

Army Results:

1.Drukhari (1)100.00
2.Eldar (1)72.00
3.Thousand Sons (1)68.00
4.Necrons (1)67.00
5.Deathwatch (1)59.00
6.Space Marines (3)56.00
7.Chaos Daemons (1)49.00
8.Dark Angels (1)43.00
9.Grey Knights (1)38.00
10.Astra Militarum (1)29.00
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