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Tournoi Eden, pour un été apocalyptique, au CFJ - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

FNicolas aka "MJOF"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Digne représentant du CFJ
FStéphane aka "touf"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Premier Tournoi Eden
FStéphane aka "touf"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
FTanguy aka "gorkil"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Prix de la tortillas la plus croustillante

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Ahmed aka "PokPok"FSaint Maur Des FossésJokers12
2.2.p2Jérémy aka "lecompteur"FBeauvaisLes Ficelles PicardesStigma-Change9
3.3.p3Stéphane aka "touf"player-award-specialplayer-award-bestpaintedFBeauvaisLes Ficelles PicardesResistance9
4.4.Yohan aka "Bidule"FConflans-Sainte-HonorineCDMMatriarchy9
5.5.Guerric aka "Horloger"FBeauvaisLes Ficelles PicardesResistance9
6.6.Mathieu aka "Sulfuin"FLilleLes Ficelles PicardesThe Convoy9
7.7.Pierre aka "Pierrodactyl"FOrleansorléans wargamesStigma-Order7
8.8.Matthieu aka "MattBab"FParisCFJThe Convoy6
9.9.Merlin aka "l-enchanteur"FParisCFJClan Bamaka6
10.10.Olivier aka "Sovereign"FConflans Sainte HonorineClan Bamaka6
11.11.Yohan aka "Saren"FConflans Sainte HonorineAskari6
12.12.Mohamed aka "Mohand"FMontpellierTeam EdenJokers6
13.13.Fernando aka "FER"FOrléansorléans wargamesThe Horde6
14.14.Frederic aka "Berf"FParisTeam EdenMatriarchy4
15.15.Pierre aka "Jugger"FParisTeam EdenThe Convoy3
16.16.Tanguy aka "gorkil"player-award-specialFConflans Sainte HonorineJokers3
17.17.Karim aka "apokpokalypse"FSaint Maur Des FossescThe Convoy3
18.18.Pascal aka "GroG512"FChampigny Sur Marneles Dés générésNephilims3
19.19.Guillaume aka "BillyZeKid"FDeuil La BarreCFJISC1
20.20.Nicolas aka "MJOF"player-award-specialFParisStratèges GabelousResistance0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Les Ficelles Picardes (4)9.00
2.orléans wargames (2)6.50
3.CFJ (3)4.33
4.Team Eden (3)4.33

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Beauvais (3)9.00
2.Saint Maur Des Fossés (2)7.50
3.Orléans (2)6.50
4.Conflans Sainte Honorine (3)5.00
5.Paris (5)3.80

Army Results:

1.Stigma-Change (1)9.00
2.Jokers (3)7.00
3.Stigma-Order (1)7.00
4.Matriarchy (2)6.50
5.Resistance (3)6.00
6.The Horde (1)6.00
7.Clan Bamaka (2)6.00
8.Askari (1)6.00
9.The Convoy (4)5.25
10.Nephilims (1)3.00
11.ISC (1)1.00
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