Enter your own rating
Tournament Rating |
Location | A (1.2) |
Reachability | A (1.1)
Parking | A (1.1)
Location / Venue | A (1.3)
Space Offered | A (1.3)
Sanitation | A (1.1)
Accommodation | B (1.5)
Organization | A (1.1) |
Flow / Progress | A (1)
Orderliness | A (1)
Schedule | A (1.2)
Information | A (1.3)
Referees | A (1)
Games | A (1.1) |
Scenarios | A (1)
Tables | A (1.1)
Terrain | A (1.2)
Opponent's Army Lists | A (1.2)
Catering | A (1.3) |
Assortment | B (1.7)
Price | A (1)
Flavor | A (1)
Given Votes: 9 / 22 (41%) |
Comments* about the tournament (4) |
Yohda Au top ???? |
Bedjy Super tournoi, À refaire quand vous voulez ! |
frenchi861 Super tournoi, toujours fun. |
Quatre_26 Salut, c’était un peu galère de trouver à manger et on aurait bien aimé savoir comme sa on aurait prévu notre repas en avance car on ne connaissait pas la region mais sinon super tournoi et merci pour l’orga. |
* Comments aren't needed by the rating and you cannot conclude based on votes cast. |