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Firebug Open 2025 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Christoph aka "Affe83"DFalkensee278Astra MilitarumHDPlusno
2. Markus aka "Don"DSinsheim1046TyranidsCanes Bellino
3. Matthias aka "Oerd"DGochsheim2640Orks40k-Dadsno
4. Christian aka "CKIT"DMünchen120Adepta SororitasLevel Zero Herosno
5. Clifford aka "Psycrcyo"DFrankfurt am Main768NecronsBembel und Bolterno
6. (anonym)-Space Marinesno
7. Dominik aka "Deathbreaker"DRheinfelden391NecronsNova Coreno
8. Philip aka "Carion"DBremen623Chaos DaemonsBrermer Tabletop Verein e.V.no
9. Gregor aka "Schwatten"DOberhausen20DrukhariIron Gate Gamersno
10. Jens aka "Jensilein"DHeusweiler386Chaos KnightsTabletopcrew Saarhammerno
11. Melanie aka "Lialin"DLeonberg415Adepta Sororitasno
12. Tobias aka "Saito_"DHarthausen672Tyranidsno
13. Moritz aka "Mojo118"DHeidelberg449EldarCanes Bellino
14. Alexander aka "Einar_Midgardson"DOschersleben328Chaos KnightsTabletop Sachsenno
15. Matthias aka "Maddel1609"DDonaueschingen312NecronsRinggeisterno
16. Mika aka "Regax"DNeuhausen154Space MarinesRinggeisterno
17. Stefan aka "Duschradio"DDuisburg896The InquisitionDrunken Dwarfs Duisburgno
18. Jan aka "Solimbar"DBad Nauheim427OrksComicorksno
19. Alexander aka "kaempes"DHammersbach604TyranidsTabletop Club Rhein Main e.V.no
20. Rob aka "RaZZputin"DPforzheim101Orks40k Trollsno
21. Amine aka "Minh"FStrasbourg3206Grey KnightsFuseurs Lorrainsno
22. Benjamin aka "F1asko"CHWittnau188Leagues of VotannNova Coreno
23. Norman aka "IchbinAlpharius"DOberhausen57Chaos DaemonsIron Gate Gamersno
24. Philipp aka "Philsen"DFreiberg am Neckar1144T'au EmpireAllstar Tabletopno
25. Marcel aka "Grausebart"DIllertissen573Genestealer Cults40k Trollsno
26. Michael aka "Chaosbiene"DMannheim127Adeptus CustodesTeam Chaosbieneno
27. Kay aka "Ironlors"DBerlin109Astra MilitarumVanguard Tacticsno
28. Pierre aka "Warpierre_on_Warbike"DErkelenz204OrksBedburger Tabletop Freundeno
29. Alejandro aka "Dalamantikus"DSaarbrücken661Space MarinesTabletopcrew Saarhammerno
30. Thomas aka "ETommy"DMemmingen3070T'au Empireno
31. Fabian aka "BobbyG"DDuisburg872The InquisitionDrunken Dwarfs Duisburgno
32. Thomas aka "Silberhand"DBad Schönborn26TyranidsCanes Bellino
33. Marvin aka "Zunlog"DSteinen97Space Marinesno
34. Daniel aka "Spehi"DWunsiedel690DrukhariGames Islandno
35. Dustin aka "Malergon"DKamen306NecronsImperium Rurano
36. Jannik aka "Caladon"DEssen910Chaos Space MarinesDrunken Dwarfs Duisburgno
37. Dominik aka "Wepto"DPforzheim443Genestealer CultsCanes Bellino
38. Tobias aka "Tordek"DBonn346Space Marinesno
39. Dennis aka "Dennissimo"DEssen23Grey KnightsZugzwangno
40. Ignaz aka "RexXxuS"DBonn38NecronsDeep Strike Tacticsno
41. Jörg aka "Khorgor-"DPfungstadt570Adeptus CustodesTTS DaDino
42. Pau aka "ConejoMalo"Berlin28DrukhariLiga der kompetitiven Gentlemenno
43. Theodoros aka "Nathes"DVS-Schwenningen179TyranidsCaZuEZuno
44. Patrick aka "DonPedro"DTuttlingen313The InquisitionCaZuEZuno
45. Tobias aka "BrotherTobias"DStuttgart124Space MarinesCanes Bellino
46. Julian aka "neffy"DLinkenheim-Hochstetten90Thousand SonsCanes Bellino
47. Sebastian aka "Aui"DTübingen82Ynnari40k Trollsno
48. Philipp aka "Trefnix"DDuisburg78Chaos DaemonsBedburger Tabletop Freundeno
49. Sven aka "Oxit"DDuisburg110DeathwatchDrunken Dwarfs Duisburgno
50. Simon aka "BrbTea"DHennef14Blood AngelsPrivateer Poza Boyzno
51. Sebastian aka "Sic_arius"DFalkensee646Chaos Space MarinesG.I.M.P. e.V.no
52. Rüdiger aka "Alistor"DLudwigsburg70Leagues of VotannCanes Bellino
53. Christian aka "Kalbel"DTrier291Adeptus CustodesMosel Gladiatorsno
54. Bastian aka "K4R4NDR4S"DArnsberg378EldarPathfinders Dortmundno
55. Maik aka "Logan_Madmeat"DBochum180TyranidsPathfinders Dortmundno
56. Tim aka "likky"DWuppertal21Chaos DaemonsBSK Bier gewinntno
57. Kevin aka "Rhinjin"DDortmund400Grey KnightsPathfinders Dortmundno
58. Christopher aka "Querox"DBerlin12Adeptus CustodesG.I.M.P. e.V.no
59. Patrick aka "Mont"DRosengarten71Grey KnightsBembel und Bolterno
60. Andreas aka "Queck"DSchmitten224TyranidsSpitzkliggerno
61. Keith aka "Kaleidokid"DPfinztal1835Imperial KnightsExcubito Tabletopno
62. Sean aka "Sean_Nah-wie-Fern"DGriesheim942Death GuardSpitzkliggerno
63. Thomas aka "Tomsen"DKirchardt410Adeptus CustodesCanes Bellino
64. Peter aka "Escapist"DKöln1351Eldarno
65. Max aka "O11111111111"DHohenlinden211DrukhariLevel Zero Heroesno
66. Ben aka "Bierkapitaen"DKöln32Death GuardZugzwangno
67. Moritz aka "Kermixxx"DMünchen395TyranidsLevel Zero Heroesno
68. Niclas aka "Niclas"DKorschenbroich617EldarDrunken Dwarfs Duisburgno
69. Matthias aka "Engelshaeubchen"DRiedstadt282Adeptus MechanicusSpitzkliggerno
70. Sven aka "Celestriel"DKorb231Eldar40k Trollsno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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