T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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Deux jours en jeux - List of Participants

1. Adrien aka "Elostirion"FAvrillé584Retribution of Scyrahnono
2. Nicolas aka "Nicoco"FVendée6CygnarTeam mogettenono
3. Samuel aka "syco"FVillentrois83Retribution of ScyrahToursnono
4. Jérôme aka "Sylve"FEchemiré192Protectorate of MenothSympathique société ludiquenono
5. Maxime aka "vann"FMurs Erigné440TrollbloodSympathique société ludiquenono
6. Mathias aka "deussanguinius"FVilliers-Charlemagne153KhadorLe squig à lunettesnono
7. Tanguy aka "seth29"FFougères50Legion of EverblightBreizhilian top teamnono
8. Rémy aka "Shoofshoof"FVendee21CryxTeam mogettenono
9. Marc-Antoine aka "coincos"FLa Menitre305Protectorate of MenothSympathique société ludiquenono
10. Gauthier aka "bourrin"FQuestembert109Khadorbreizh ricardnono
11. Alain aka "ulv"FChampigné-The Circle Orborosnono
12. Clément aka "baltazar"FAngers311Legion of Everblightnono
13. Gilles aka "Gorbar"FDol de Bretagne65MinionsDinan Mythesnono
14. Brendan aka "MorDu"FNantes249Protectorate of MenothSchola Hasardanono
15. Sylvain aka "Schreck"FNantes289Cryxnono
16. Florian aka "Trippe"FMontfavet22Protectorate of MenothBreizhilian top teamnono

Distribution of Armies
Protectorate of Menoth:4
Legion of Everblight:2
Retribution of Scyrah:2
The Circle Orboros:1
Distribution of Origins
Maine-et-Loire (49):6
Ille-et-Vilaine (35):2
Loire-Atlantique (44):2
Vendée (85):2
Indre (36):1
Mayenne (53):1
Morbihan (56):1
Vaucluse (84):1
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