Kampf um Boris Brauerei |
Description: Kampf um Boris Brauerei.
Organizers: Grimbold (Contact), Poltergeist (Contact), Alirion_Schattenblatt (Contact)
Gamesystem: Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WHFB)
Start: 2013-10-19 09:00
End: 2013-10-19 18:30
Seats: 18
Charge: 20 €
Bei den Wächtern der EisenfesteWieserfeldplatz 54400 SteyrAustria
Load:83% Info: The tournament has ended.
2013-08-28 04:26 Armychoice
Armychoice, Szenarien und allgemeine Infos sind Online!
Im Nenngeld ist ein Mittagessen inkludiert!
written by Grimbold
Recommended Tournaments |
The organizer team hasn't organized any tournaments yet. | Visitors, who participated in this tournament, are also going to the following tournaments: