Player Profile - Pickouette
Player Profile |
Friends (38)
Description: Hordes : Trollbloods : 329 pts 199 figs Everblights : 281 pts 164 figs Orboros : 258 pts 132 figs Minions : 104 pts 53 figs
Warmachines : Khador : 342 pts 200 figs Scyrah : 248 pts 131 figs Mercenaire : 272 pts 154 figs
Games | Tournaments | Player's Awards | Rankings | Friends |
Warmachine (1834 Points):
- Khador - 342 Points
- Legion of Everblight - 281 Points
- Mercenaries - 272 Points
- Minions - 104 Points
- Retribution of Scyrah - 248 Points
- The Circle Orboros - 258 Points
- Trollblood - 329 Points
Total: 1 Game, 7 Armies, 1834 Points
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