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Sons bash - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

FRaphaël aka "le_roi_liche"player-award-bestgeneralBest General
FThomas aka "Merowig"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Raphaël aka "le_roi_liche"player-award-bestgeneralFHuttenheimZi Liche HeimThe Vermin Swarm34
2.2.p2Maxime aka "yajirobe68"FMulhouseViva la republica !Dwarven Holds32
3.3.p3Frédéric aka "Elique"FHoerdtExpédition cenarienneDread Elves32
4.4.Stephan aka "Trokler"FStrasbourgEuroboxDread Elves31
5.5.Julien aka "kraichti"FZillisheimSons of gamesHighborn Elves29
6.6.Thierry aka "pathan"FEbersheimGobelins sans FrontièresEmpire of Sonnstahl23
7.7.Didier aka "Malus_67"FStrasbourgDread Elves20
8.8.Thiophene aka "Thiophene"FAltkirchdoormat spiritWarriors of the Dark Gods8
9.9.Nicolas aka "Gensous"FMulhouseUndying Dynasties8
10.10.Thomas aka "Merowig"player-award-bestpaintedFBreitenbachWarriors of the Dark Gods7
11.11.(anonym)FExpédition cenarienneHighborn Elves0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Expédition cenarienne (2)16.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Strasbourg (2)25.50
2.Mulhouse (2)20.00

Army Results:

1.The Vermin Swarm (1)34.00
2.Dwarven Holds (1)32.00
3.Dread Elves (3)27.67
4.Empire of Sonnstahl (1)23.00
5.Highborn Elves (2)14.50
6.Undying Dynasties (1)8.00
7.Warriors of the Dark Gods (2)7.50
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