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Imperium Club 3ème du nom (Again) - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

CHAdrien aka "Zaryal"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Cuillère en bois des Sons !
FAnthony aka "MiniAzu"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Cuillère en bois
FFlavien aka "radagast"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
FJulien aka "kraichti"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Julien aka "kraichti"player-award-bestpaintedFZillisheimSons of GamesBeast Herds63
2.2.p2Thomas aka "Samo"CHMiserySons of GamesVampire Covenant58
3.3.p3Olivier aka "Nico57"FChatel St GermainBattle 57The Vermin Swarm53
4.4.Mathieu aka "Math-CD"CHFribourgSons of GamesInfernal Dwarves50
5.5.Pascal aka "paco82"CHCorpatauxSons of GamesDaemon Legions49
6.6.Thomas aka "TheLegend27"CHJouxtensJambon JambonDread Elves49
7.7.Amine aka "Minh"FStrasbourgMADHighborn Elves47
8.8.Raphaël aka "le_roi_liche"FHuttenheimJulien CyberLicheThe Vermin Swarm46
9.9.Fabien aka "kitinik"FDouvaineSons of GamesEmpire of Sonnstahl45
10.10.Esteban aka "Major_ette"CHFribourgSons of GamesSaurian Ancients43
11.11.Charles aka "Ushabti"FGrandfontaineaigles séquanesDwarven Holds43
12.12.Stephane aka "Britwolf"CHBulleSons of GamesThe Vermin Swarm42
13.13.Steven aka "Ezekiel57"FNancyUndying Dynasties41
14.14.Flavien aka "radagast"player-award-bestpaintedFArcis sur Aube1 D troyesOgre Khans40
15.15.Raphael aka "LE-DOC"FColmarOgre Khans38
16.16.Aurélien aka "Bibounn"CHFribourgOld Veterans of RenownWarriors of the Dark Gods37
17.17.Paul aka "polux"CHMontmollinDwarven Holds37
18.18.Didier aka "Malus_67"FStrasbourgDread Elves36
19.19.Victor aka "sevic"CHCorcellesSylvan Elves32
20.20.Thomas1 aka "tox"FBesançonaigles séquanesWarriors of the Dark Gods31
21.21.Franck aka "Aesanar"FCernayMAD/Mootland clan /Sons of gamesHighborn Elves30
22.22.Tiziano aka "Tipiz"CHOrbeJambon JambonOgre Khans29
23.23.Louis aka "Juggernaut"FGrandfontaineaigles séquanesKingdom of Equitaine29
24.24.Guillaume aka "Khrom"FToulLes Loups du TémérairesKingdom of Equitaine27
25.25.Eric aka "Azhag68"FSteinbachMADDread Elves25
26.26.François-Xavier aka "Thodeus"FThonon Les BainsSons of GamesSaurian Ancients25
27.27.Camille aka "Camtouille"FFontaineEmpire of Sonnstahl24
28.28.Antoine aka "ledwarfou"CHLausanneOld Veterans of RenownKingdom of Equitaine24
29.29.Damien aka "Mad-"CHLa CorbazSons of GamesHighborn Elves23
30.30.Thiophene aka "Thiophene"FAltkirchUndying Dynasties23
31.31.Nicolas aka "walk"FSoultzLes dindons en folieVampire Covenant23
32.32.Adrien aka "Zaryal"player-award-specialCHMarlySons of GamesDaemon Legions23
33.33.Matthias aka "Azu"FMontbéliardImpérium ClubDread Elves22
34.34.Vincent aka "Ptitnain"FMontrond-Le-ChâteauAigles SéquanesOrcs and Goblins22
35.35.Julien aka "Juvin"FMontrond Le Châteauaigles séquanesSaurian Ancients19
36.36.Anthony aka "MiniAzu"player-award-specialFMontbeliardImpérium ClubUndying Dynasties2
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Sons of Games (10)42.10
2.Jambon Jambon (2)39.00
3.MAD (2)36.00
4.Old Veterans of Renown (2)30.50
5.aigles séquanes (5)28.80
6.Impérium Club (2)12.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Fribourg (3)43.33
2.Strasbourg (2)41.50
3.Grandfontaine (2)36.00
4.Montbeliard (2)12.00

Army Results:

1.Beast Herds (1)63.00
2.Infernal Dwarves (1)50.00
3.The Vermin Swarm (3)47.00
4.Vampire Covenant (2)40.50
5.Dwarven Holds (2)40.00
6.Daemon Legions (2)36.00
7.Ogre Khans (3)35.67
8.Empire of Sonnstahl (2)34.50
9.Warriors of the Dark Gods (2)34.00
10.Highborn Elves (3)33.33
11.Dread Elves (4)33.00
12.Sylvan Elves (1)32.00
13.Saurian Ancients (3)29.00
14.Kingdom of Equitaine (3)26.67
15.Orcs and Goblins (1)22.00
16.Undying Dynasties (3)22.00
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