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Local du Moot Training Solo - List of Participants

1. Guillaume aka "elguigui"FMions165The Vermin SwarmMootland / djinn famillyyes
2. Franck aka "Aesanar"FSaint Genis Laval206Highborn ElvesMootland clan /Sons of gamesyes
3. Pierre aka "Gotmaug"FMontrond Les Bains438Kingdom of EquitaineMootyes
4. Xavier aka "FlintBMacFlanagan"FMorance32Infernal DwarvesJeune Garde de Lyonyes
5. Rudy Luciano aka "Mel"FGrigny94Beast HerdsMootyes
6. Jean-Philippe aka "Djine"FVilleurbanne30Warriors of the Dark Godsyes
7. Nathan aka "Grapha"FCivrieux249The Vermin SwarmJeune Garde de Lyonyes
8. Alexandre aka "marsky"FFitilieu351Sylvan Elvesmarskyyes
9. Kévin aka "xekaar"FSeyssins231Ogre KhansAnonyboobzyes
10. Germain aka "Ardens"FLyon21Vampire CovenantJeune Garde de Lyonyes

Distribution of Armies
The Vermin Swarm:2
Beast Herds:1
Highborn Elves:1
Infernal Dwarves:1
Kingdom of Equitaine:1
Ogre Khans:1
Sylvan Elves:1
Vampire Covenant:1
Warriors of the Dark Gods:1
Distribution of Origins
Rhône (69):6
Isère (38):2
Ain (01):1
Loire (42):1
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