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APAV 4 - List of Participants

1. Quentin aka "Seikil"FAngoulême454Retribution of ScyrahAAJHyesyes
2. Pierre-Guy aka "Gregauryc"FSaint Dié des Vosges399Legion of EverblightAAJHyesyes
3. Antoine aka "gitsnik"FNantes24The Circle OrborosL'équipe qui défourailleyesyes
4. Richard aka "richie"FBédée291The SkorneBreizh Teamyesyes
5. Raphaël aka "Raffa"FVendome206MercenariesAJSAyesyes
6. Alexandre aka "Cheveu"FLyon229CryxHobbyshopyesyes
7. Bastien aka "Weeskahs"FSaint Genis Laval403The Circle OrborosHobbyshopyesyes
8. Gaspard aka "Gaspaccio"FCrest397Convergence of CyrissHobbyshopyesyes
9. Frederic aka "totorisback"FBain De Bretagne263Convergence of Cyrissyesyes
10. Gauthier aka "bourrin"FQuestembert110Khadorbreizh ricardyesyes
11. Damien aka "Tinkou"FAsnières-sur-Seine413Convergence of CyrissLudoboyzyesyes
12. Guillaume aka "Booggy"FNantes12Cygnaryesyes
13. Olivier aka "ulrian"FToulenne98Cryxyesyes
14. Quentin aka "Gros-quick"FClaye-Souilly-Trollbloodyesyes
15. Vincent aka "carcous"FPantin132Legion of EverblightCFJyesyes
16. Aurelien aka "Sechs"FParis-CygnarCVJF Crash Teamyesyes
17. Tom aka "Ygemethor"FToulouse2The Circle OrborosAntre du Dragonyesyes
18. Aurélien aka "ObeOne"FNevers512Legion of Everblightyesyes
19. Thomas aka "Balthazar1er"FAngers115CryxSympathique société ludiqueyesyes
20. Guillaume aka "Khaelein"FMassy195Cryxyesyes
21. Simon aka "Sonnette"FAmiens-TrollbloodLa poutre du samedi soiryesyes
22. Florent aka "Pinto"FSoisy-sous-Montmorency362The Circle Orborosyesyes
23. Emmanuel aka "manu74"FFaverges-Legion of EverblightBAFyesyes
24. Stephane aka "Cryxou"FEvry122KhadorBières et Boucherieyesyes
25. Guillaume aka "yool1981"FVersailles717The Circle OrborosLudoboyzyesyes
26. Quentin aka "W00d"FAix Les Bains361Protectorate of MenothBAFyesyes
27. Mathieu aka "Ashleysen"FAlfortville375Legion of EverblightBières et Boucherieyesyes
28. Nicolas aka "Zul"FJouy En Josas475CryxCVJFyesyes
29. Pierre Arnauld aka "connetable_pa"FParis3KhadorLudoboyzyesyes
30. Emiliano aka "BernieLomax"IParis124Legion of Everblightyesyes
31. Alessandro aka "ATP"I-Cryxyesyes
32. Jérôme aka "Sylve"FEchemiré189Protectorate of MenothSympathique société ludiqueyesyes
33. Adrien aka "Zadibou"FPalaiseau742Cygnaryesyes
34. Jean-Baptiste aka "omega"FParis359The Circle Orborosyesyes
35. (anonym)-Trollbloodyesyes
36. Benoit aka "Maolmordha"FToulouse303Retribution of Scyrahcraft'n'playyesyes
37. Nicolas aka "taraspoutine"FVenerque87The Circle Orboros31 décapsuleyesyes
38. Victor aka "Tec"FBoulogne-Billancourt107TrollbloodLudoboyzyesyes
39. Florian aka "Luffy76300"FSotteville-lès-Rouen606KhadorCVJF Crash Teamyesyes
40. Kevin aka "Barta"FFourchambault422Cygnaryesyes
41. Jean-Loup aka "Largoo"FMeudon100Trollbloodyesyes
42. Guillaume aka "Philogneus"FLyon73Legion of EverblightLudoboyzyesyes
43. Ronan aka "Torphine"FFontaine-Retribution of ScyrahHobbyshopyesyes
44. Kev aka "Dibbouk"FCognin241CryxInglorious Baf Starsyesyes
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
45. Mehdi aka "me-H-di"FBesancon425Legion of EverblightF@Vnono
46. David aka "bazdred"FCuincy320TrollbloodL'alliancenono
47. Sylvain aka "Lelith"FLille13Legion of EverblightWarmaLillenono
48. Guillaume aka "BillyZeKid"FBezons-Retribution of ScyrahCFJnono
49. Corben aka "K-reem"FL'Haÿ-les-Roses610CryxLe Seumnono
50. Gaetan aka "Ballec"FLa Côte511Cryxaigles séquanesnono
51. Daniele aka "Mirmidone"IGenova-Retribution of ScyrahIronboot Republicnono
52. Lionel aka "ConarLeBarban"FDijon70CryxSteam Powered Dukesnono
53. Julien aka "Gamin"FQuerqueville Cherbourg52The Circle Orborosnono
54. Julien aka "Samael"FCourbevoie441Retribution of ScyrahLudoboyznono
55. Diego aka "Calcifer"IGenova-Protectorate of MenothIronboot Republicnono
56. Olivier aka "N-o-N-o"FValence210KhadorSBTCnono
57. Benoit aka "Tounga"FCourbevoie682Retribution of ScyrahGrabatariumnono
58. Gauthier aka "Valorel"FBeinheim453Retribution of Scyrahnono
59. Riccardo aka "mastrogeppetto"IGenova-Khadornono
60. Yugo aka "3xSix"FBoulogne-Billancourt382Legion of Everblightnono
61. Sylvester aka "communiste"FMoscul287Legion of Everblight31 décapsulenono
62. Fabrice aka "Fabou_le_petit_Nantais"FSaint Sébastien Sur Loire-The Circle Orborosnono
63. Denis aka "IaloNanto"FNantes81Mercenariesnono
64. Pietro aka "Fush"IModena-Retribution of ScyrahIronboot Republicnono
65. Jérôme aka "Froutch"FVillard de Lans883Legion of EverblightBruleur de Pitouxnono
66. Thomas aka "maleck"FNevers-The Circle Orborosnono

Distribution of Armies
Legion of Everblight:7
The Circle Orboros:7
Convergence of Cyriss:3
Retribution of Scyrah:3
Protectorate of Menoth:2
The Skorne:1
Distribution of Origins
Paris (75):5
Haute-Garonne (31):3
Rhône (69):3
Essonne (91):3
Hauts-de-Seine (92):3
Charente (16):2
Ille-et-Vilaine (35):2
Maine-et-Loire (49):2
Nièvre (58):2
Savoie (73):2
Yvelines (78):2
Drôme (26):1
Gironde (33):1
Isère (38):1
Loir-et-Cher (41):1
Loire-Atlantique (44):1
Morbihan (56):1
Seine-Maritime (76):1
Seine-et-Marne (77):1
Vosges (88):1
Seine-Saint-Denis (93):1
Val-de-Marne (94):1
Val-d'Oise (95):1
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