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List of Players - United Kingdom - 324 Players

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Postcodesort-ascCityNicknameGames Info
29229CelleSpikester577    Contact
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AA1 1AABlahHobbitOfIsengard
AB15 7TDAberdeenDoug_117
AL73XGWelwyn Garden CityLoxley
B147HEKings HeathCaptain_gary
B48 7TDAlvechurchTheCount
B63 2DWHalesowenMikeyRebel
B63 3ERHalesowenPapa_Smurf
B63 3ERHalesowenYoungSmurf
B70 7EALondon, UKUPVCLocksmith
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BA2 1PWBathEternal_Flitter
BA9 8ETWincantonSteve1797
BB10 4JQBurnleyCastigator
BB2 4ABBlackburnITAMatteo
BB8 0JPColneskullcollector
BH20 6ARWarehamWarden_Munger
BH21 1AEWimborneChippy_Rick
BH7 7RNBournemouthDacid1
BN10 7DJTelscombe CliffsUbertechie74
BN14 7NAWorthingPaul_W
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BN21 1BZEastbourneMarcWilson
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BN21 2DHEastbourneStrait
BN22 9BJEastbourneKillswitch
BN6 9SFHurstpierpointWomble    Contact
BR 2DBBromleyAlanP
BS21 5DAClevedonIanL
BS37 4LFBristoldavec1980
BS37 8SPBristolport
BT16 2ARBelfastBNB
BT23 5HQNewtownardsDaleF
BT23 5QGNewtownardsJonny65
BT30 6DLDownpatrickeratu13
BT30 6DXDownpatrickDerm
BT30 8PJDownpatrickMonty117
BT42 2JBBallymenaVapusa
BT43 7LQBallymenaBuniot
BT44 9PQCloughmillsbranko
BT5 7QTBelfastCwen
BT53 7REBallymoneyDweller
BT9 6LYBelfastMr-Beaver
CF10 9UACardiffdave_r
CF146TUCardiffMr_Scream    Contact
CF23 9BWCardiffMalcador
CF3 1SZCardiffSRTurner
CF31 1JUBridgendDrogon
CF31 1JUBridgendDrogon-UK
CF45 3DACardiffKhargor
CF45 3LWMountain AshAled    Contact
CF48 1AQMerthyr Tydfilsonofilkhan
CF48 3HEMerthyr Tydfililkhan
CF5 1JJCardiffkinger3914
CF5 1JJCardiffmking3914
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CF83 2ARCardiffRedcaer
CH1 3BBChesterDale
CH1 4JSChesterGWatkins
CH2 2EJChesterKallyWally
CH66 3RSEllesmere Portdeva-devi
CM17 9PYHarlowTriff
CM2 6EBChelmsfordjoshdalton09    Contact
CO2 9QPColchesterWaldoWolski
CO4 5EGColchester4TKGaming    Contact   Homepage
CR3 5DQCaterhamjasonbroomer
CR8 1BFPurley, Surreysteads
CT2 7AYCanterburydaf
CT95JLMargateRockabillyGuy    Contact
CV34 6GFWarwickUrban_Knight
CV4 8DNCoventrylobachevskii
CV4 9SQCoventryFallstaff
CV61HEGorzów Wielkopolski/ Coventry UKAro    Contact
CV7 9JAAnsty, Nr CoventryAshurbanipul
CW2 6HECreweAlvasquez87
CW8 3ANNorthwichMarkM
DA1 1UNDartfordDarren2372
DA1 4PBDartfordMark-C
DA16 1PDWellingLilyMorey
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DD11 2BJArbroathMattgibson
DD3 8BJDundeeKenzie
DD8 3RDForfareek    Contact   Homepage
DE21 7EUDerbyMannyuk99
DE22 2RQDerbyMott
DE23 4YNDerbymarkb    Contact
DE24 8RZDerbyRawdog
DE72 3PYDraycottThaiphoon
DE72 3QZDraycottWillc684
DE73 6SWDerbybenjohnson0013
DH6 5HPDurhamz4carlo
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DL3 6HPDarlingtonMasarath
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DN32 9QRGrimsbyAllfather
DN38 6FFBarnetbyKrazus    Contact
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