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Player Profile - Metroide

Player Profile
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Origin:F87920 Condat Sur Vienne
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GamesTournamentsPlayer's AwardsRankingsFriends
Aeronautica Imperialis (1300 Points):
  • Eldar Sky Host - 150 Points
  • Imperial Navy Squadron - 150 Points
  • Tau Air Cadre - 1000 Points
Battlefleet Gothic (4000 Points):
  • Tau Fleet - 4000 Points
Blood Bowl (1 Points):
  • Lizardmen - 1 Points
Star Wars: Armada (1000 Points):
  • Rebels - 1000 Points
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (1000 Points):
  • Rebel Alliance - 1000 Points
Warhammer 40K (14000 Points):
  • Grey Knights - 1000 Points
  • T'au Empire - 5000 Points
  • Tyranids - 8000 Points
Warhammer Fantasy Battles (5000 Points):
  • Lizardmen - 5000 Points
Total: 7 Games, 11 Armies, 26301 Points

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