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Erfurter X-Wing Store Championship feat. der_Tabletopper - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

DJonas aka "PiQachu"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Bounty Hunter

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Ilias aka "Illy08"DMünchenSquadrona BavariaeGalactic Republic0
2.2.p2Jonas aka "PiQachu"player-award-specialDBerlinFlight Club BerlinGalactic Empire0
3.3.p3Manish aka "Tharlin"DRauenbergWookieetreiberRebel Alliance0
4.4.Daniel aka "TrevorColby"DBerlinFlight Club BerlinRebel Alliance0
5.5.Sascha aka "Loken5888"DWertingenSquadrona BavariaeRebel Alliance0
6.6.Sören aka "Kleiner_Fehler"DErfurtThüringer BratwursttorpedosGalactic Empire0
7.7.Enrico aka "Enno"DDresdenOne-Crit-Wonders ElbflorenzScum and Villainy0
8.8.Andreas aka "Linceak"DLangelsheimScum and Villainy0
9.9.Jannis aka "Dr_Fridge"DBerlinX-SwingersRebel Alliance0
10.10.Rafael aka "Rafaroo"DBottropWhite RabbitResistance0
11.11.Jonas aka "futzzi"DBerlinResistance0
12.12.Alexander aka "Resonanzo"DBerlinFlight Club BerlinRebel Alliance0
13.13.Christian aka "Darth_Zero"DSteinbach (Taunus)Bembel_BomberScum and Villainy0
14.14.Roman aka "NoSkilltoKill"DErfurtThüringer BratwursttorpedosRebel Alliance0
15.15.Timo aka "Coryn"DOttersheimWookieetreiberFirst Order0
16.16.Sebastian aka "Zapshot"Dan der SchmückeThüringer BratwursttorpedosRebel Alliance0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Thüringer Bratwursttorpedos (3)0.00
2.Wookieetreiber (2)0.00
3.Squadrona Bavariae (2)0.00
4.Flight Club Berlin (3)0.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Erfurt (2)0.00
2.Berlin (5)0.00

Army Results:

1.Galactic Republic (1)0.00
2.First Order (1)0.00
3.Scum and Villainy (3)0.00
4.Resistance (2)0.00
5.Rebel Alliance (7)0.00
6.Galactic Empire (2)0.00
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