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Tournoi Conf'Fédé à OctoGônes - List of Participants

1. Olivier aka "the_red_eye"FBordeaux-Bègles69Alchemists of DirzLa G.U.I.L.Dno
2. Walid aka "fingo"FChâtillon64Alchemists of Dirzno
3. Pierre aka "Azzoth"FMérignac-Goblins of No-Dan-Karno
4. Laurent aka "saurdak"FViroflay74Dwarves of Tir-Na-Borno
5. Jean aka "librevent"FSaint-Front172Kelt Drunesno
6. Gaétan aka "parlorage"FGivors-The Griffins of Akkylannieno
7. Gilles aka "Spiff04"FManosque-The Griffins of Akkylannieno
8. Claire aka "Clairette"FManosque87Lions of Alahanno
9. Ferry aka "Koghiba"FLyon-Kelt Sessairsno
10. Geoffrey aka "Worg"FLyon-Wolfen of Ylliano
11. Laurent aka "ombredenuit"FLons-Le-Saunier149Kelt Sessairsno

Distribution of Armies
Alchemists of Dirz:2
Kelt Sessairs:2
The Griffins of Akkylannie:2
Dwarves of Tir-Na-Bor:1
Goblins of No-Dan-Kar:1
Kelt Drunes:1
Lions of Alahan:1
Wolfen of Yllia:1
Distribution of Origins
Alpes de Hautes-Provence (04):1
Gironde (33):1
Jura (39):1
Haute-Loire (43):1
Yvelines (78):1
Hauts-de-Seine (92):1
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