Players' Awards
Single Player Results:
No. |
Place |
Name |
Origin |
Team |
Army |
Total |
1. | 1. | Jean-Baptiste aka "Bedjy" | Annecy | La Guilde Ludik | Fyreslayers | 48 |
2. | 2. | John aka "Grondar" | Annecy | | Slaves to Darkness | 44 |
3. | 3. | Yohan aka "Yoanito" | Reignier | La Guilde Ludik | Flesh-eater Courts | 41 |
4. | 4. | David aka "Yohda" | Rumilly | La Guilde Ludik | Maggotkin of Nurgle | 34 |
5. | 5. | David aka "Kikida" | Seynod | | Ossiarch Bonereapers | 33 |
6. | 6. | Cyril aka "Gama74" | Marignier | | Ossiarch Bonereapers | 31 |
7. | 7. | Gauthier aka "Rhaziel" | Meillerie | Les poneys fringuants | Gloomspite Gitz | 30 |
8. | 8. | Johan aka "Johan_g" | Annecy | | Stormcast Eternals | 29 |
9. | 9. | Maxence aka "Max74" | Contamine-Sur-Arve | La guilde ludik | Seraphon | 29 |
10. | 10. | Arnaud aka "NoirFluo" | Reignier | La Guilde Ludik | Blades of Khorne | 24 |
11. | 11. | Corentin aka "Kokoh" | Allinges | Brindille | Sylvaneth | 24 |
12. | 12. | Rémy aka "Remyx" | Annecy | tic et tac rangers du risque | Sons of Behemat | 23 |
13. | 13. | Florian aka "Flo74" | Marignier | | Slaves to Darkness | 17 |
14. | 14. | Adrien D. | Saint Jean De Tholome | La Guilde Ludik | Hedonites of Slaanesh | 13 |
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points |
Team Results (at least 2 players):
Place | Team | Points |
1. | La Guilde Ludik (6) | 31.50 |
City Results (at least 2 players):
Place | Origin | Points |
1. | Annecy (4) | 36.00 |
2. | Reignier (2) | 32.50 |
3. | Marignier (2) | 24.00 |
Army Results:
Place | Army | Points |
1. | Fyreslayers (1) | 48.00 |
2. | Flesh-eater Courts (1) | 41.00 |
3. | Maggotkin of Nurgle (1) | 34.00 |
4. | Ossiarch Bonereapers (2) | 32.00 |
5. | Slaves to Darkness (2) | 30.50 |
6. | Gloomspite Gitz (1) | 30.00 |
7. | Seraphon (1) | 29.00 |
8. | Stormcast Eternals (1) | 29.00 |
9. | Blades of Khorne (1) | 24.00 |
10. | Sylvaneth (1) | 24.00 |
11. | Sons of Behemat (1) | 23.00 |
12. | Hedonites of Slaanesh (1) | 13.00 |