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SML - Back to the Roots - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

CHAntonio aka "ElMagnificoo"player-award-bestgeneralBest General
CHLiam aka "Lucky_1"player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Stärkste Helden
CHRoland aka "Hal"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Antonio aka "ElMagnificoo"player-award-bestgeneralCHStansStansThe Wizards68
2.2.p2Luca aka "lotr-craft-paint"CHZugDrúadan GrenadiersVariags of Khand58
3.3.p3Nor*** aka "Aloha08"CHWädenswilTeam ZürichThe Fellowship50
4.4.Moritz aka "kamahl90"CHBadenFrickerDol Guldur49
5.5.Michael aka "Zuri3"CHBernBärnAngmar48
6.6.Marlon aka "Lucky_2"CHReinachThe Black Gate48
7.7.Maximilian aka "Seton"CHZugMinas Tirith42
8.8.Lukas aka "LukasW"CHUsterThe WidmersThe Trolls41
9.9.Bryan aka "Bryan"CHLausenMilites Numerorum PrimorumThe Easterlings37
10.10.Alain aka "Hatz"CHBadenThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains35
11.11.Julian Clark S.CHVolketswilMordor35
12.12.Tim aka "Fantusch"CHWettingenThe WidmersThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains34
13.13.Liam aka "Lucky_1"player-award-specialCHReinachAzog's Hunters31
14.14.Benjamin aka "benjderxv"CHLachenThe Rangers of Ithilien29
15.15.Roland aka "Hal"player-award-bestpaintedCHReinachAngmar23
16.16.Johannes aka "Johny_Spaghetti"CHWürenlosThe Easterlings2
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.The Widmers (2)37.50

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Zug (2)50.00
2.Baden (2)42.00
3.Reinach (3)34.00

Army Results:

1.The Wizards (1)68.00
2.Variags of Khand (1)58.00
3.The Fellowship (1)50.00
4.Dol Guldur (1)49.00
5.The Black Gate (1)48.00
6.Minas Tirith (1)42.00
7.The Trolls (1)41.00
8.Angmar (2)35.50
9.Mordor (1)35.00
10.The Eagles of the Misty Mountains (2)34.50
11.Azog's Hunters (1)31.00
12.The Rangers of Ithilien (1)29.00
13.The Easterlings (2)19.50
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