No. | Name | Origin | NTR | Army | Team | Paid | Armylist |
1. | Pascal aka "EintopfOhr" | Dortmund | 304 | Angmar | Bergische Würfellöwen | yes | no |
2. | Patrick aka "HannibalSmith" | Wickede (Ruhr) | - | The Dead of Dunharrow | Sauerländer Würfelsturm | yes | yes |
3. | Tim aka "TimBombadil" | Vellmar | 7 | The Wanderers in the Wild | Teutoburger Ents | yes | yes |
4. | Alexander aka "Kerpsi" | Neukirchen-Vluyn | 184 | Minas Morgul | Helden des Westens | yes | yes |
5. | Christian aka "Chrissi" | Herford | 435 | The Dead of Dunharrow | TG Play! | yes | yes |
6. | Marvin aka "Koestritzer" | Kassel | 185 | Minas Morgul | | yes | yes |
7. | Lukas aka "Knoppers" | Goch | 410 | Isengard Raiders | Table Knights Niederrhein | yes | yes |
8. | Noah aka "NoRo11" | Herford | 303 | Moria | TG Play! | yes | yes |
9. | Daniel aka "Dontaskme" | Soest | 335 | Angmar | Sauerländer Würfelsturm | yes | yes |
10. | Tobias aka "Silmaril" | Unna | 126 | Thranduil's Halls | Fellows United | yes | yes |
11. | Lars aka "Ugi" | Lingen | 78 | The Grey Company | Osnagiliath | yes | yes |
12. | Rudolf aka "ronshouse" | Groß Hesepe | 141 | The Eagles of the Misty Mountains | Osnagiliath | yes | yes |
13. | Tobias aka "Benbow" | Werl | - | Minas Tirith | Sauerländer Würfelsturm | yes | yes |
14. | Stefan aka "accrock" | Jülich | 137 | Angmar | Sauerländer Würfelsturm | yes | yes |
15. | Frank aka "Der_Frank" | Wilhelmshaven | - | Minas Tirith | TTC Jade | yes | yes |
16. | Felix aka "feyangola" | Arnsberg | 295 | The Rangers of Ithilien | Sauerländer Würfelsturm | yes | yes |
17. | Lorenz aka "Optiker" | Duisburg | 807 | The Dead of Dunharrow | GT-Battlezone | yes | yes |
18. | Matthias aka "kasch_matt" | Brilon | 1359 | Théoden's Host | Sauerländer Würfelsturm | yes | yes |
19. | Marcus aka "Kaiserschnitte" | Gütersloh | - | Minas Tirith | GT-Battlezone | yes | yes |
20. | Max aka "Troubl3" | Werl | 759 | Dol Guldur | Sauerländer Würfelsturm | yes | yes |
21. | Marvin aka "Thorgrim_8J" | Breckerfeld | 80 | Khazad-dûm | | yes | yes |
22. | Mathias aka "Fleckfieber" | Duisburg | 458 | The Legions of the White Hand | ASG | yes | yes |
23. | Miles Nicolai aka "TheGorgon" | Wuppertal | 56 | The Easterlings | Bergische Würfellöwen | yes | no |
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet |
24. | Andreas aka "Avalon_" | Burscheid | 18 | Arnor | Bergische Würfellöwen | no | no |
25. | Dustin aka "Ambiel" | Arnsberg | 421 | Arnor | Sauerländer Würfelsturm | no | no |
26. | Felix aka "Axess" | Sprockhövel | 318 | Dunland | Bergische Würfellöwen | no | no |
27. | Leon aka "Wuestenloewe" | Witzenhausen | 221 | Harad | | no | no |
28. | Björn aka "TheColdblood" | Wuppertal | 26 | Fangorn | Bergische Würfellöwen | no | no |
29. | Tjorben aka "derechte" | Düsseldorf | 1359 | Isengard Raiders | | no | no |
30. | Kay aka "hakseng" | Düsseldorf | 105 | Guardians of the Carrock | Bergische Würfellöwen | no | no |
31. | Marco aka "Goboon" | Osteel | 160 | Moria | Ostfriesischer Tabletop Verein | no | no |
32. | Tim aka "tabletopkram" | Bonn | 385 | Fangorn | Das wirklich letzte Bündnis! | no | no |
33. | Tim aka "GrimmReaper" | Arnsberg | 203 | Harad | | no | no |
34. | Janik aka "Janik_45" | Schermbeck | - | Cirith Ungol | Helden des Westens | no | no |
35. | Arno aka "ArnoKR" | Bielefeld | 3 | The Black Gate | Teutoburger Ents | no | no |
36. | Sebastian aka "tulsadoom" | Großalmerode | - | Arnor | | no | no |
37. | Robert aka "Onenote" | Solingen | 34 | Guardians of the Carrock | Bergische Würfellöwen | no | no |