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Rencontres Alchimique de Chartres - List of Participants

1. Hervé aka "rv_adiadon"FOlivet8Kingdom of AvalonVieux de la vieilleyes
2. Johann aka "KiK"FVersailles221Khaliman republicyes
3. Jeremy aka "figo95"FÉpiais-Rhus157Kingdom of Avalonyes
4. Pierre aka "caillou"Fmarines6Empire of the Jade TriadSFJyes
5. Nicolas aka "nicoleblond"FMarines5Empire of the Jade TriadSFJyes
6. Guillaume aka "fecoa"FSartrouville229Empire of the Jade TriadSFJyes
7. Frederic aka "aigle-4"FSartrouville395Aurlok NationSFJyes
8. David aka "Barbouille"FCormeilles En Parisis163Aurlok NationSFJyes
9. Olivier aka "LE0N"FLa Norville106Khaliman republicFig78teamyes
10. Ludovic aka "Dwinbar"FAbondant128Khaliman republicyes
11. Michel aka "kataklysm"FSaint Georges de Didonne133Aurlok NationAAJHyes
12. Guillaume aka "Elladan"FRambouillet9Aurlok NationSFJyes
13. Ludovic aka "el_ludo"FCholet21Kingdom of AvalonLa Bannière de L'Ombreyes
14. Amelie aka "soeur-amelia"FChartres-Khaliman republicles vieux de la veilleyes
15. Harold aka "HBlondy"FSaint Vincent Du Boulay104Khaliman republicBernayyes
16. Nicolas aka "Zarrack"FLe Favril-Kingdom of AvalonBernayyes
17. Jérémy aka "DrZork"FThiberville214Aurlok NationBernayyes
18. Harold aka "Metanoir"FRouen-Aurlok NationBernayyes
19. Mathieu aka "shamrock"FBernay-Aurlok Nationyes
20. Vincent aka "Elethorn"FRouen4Aurlok NationBernayyes
21. Jean-Pierre aka "Shinji"FVilleneuve d'ascq129Kingdom of Avalonyes
22. Laëtitia aka "Uzumi"FGoupillières219Khaliman republicBernayyes
23. Emmanuel aka "sadaxx"FBeaumont248Kingdom of AvalonBernayyes
24. Vincent aka "Baloo"FGRISY SUISNES194Khaliman republicyes
25. Thierry aka "Folifoot"FHouilles152Kingdom of AvalonSFJyes
26. Johan aka "j2c"FChartres-Aurlok NationVieux de la Vieilleyes

Distribution of Armies
Aurlok Nation:9
Khaliman republic:7
Kingdom of Avalon:7
Empire of the Jade Triad:3
Distribution of Origins
Yvelines (78):5
Eure (27):4
Val-d'Oise (95):4
Eure-et-Loir (28):2
Seine-Maritime (76):2
Charente-Maritime (17):1
Loiret (45):1
Maine-et-Loire (49):1
Nord (59):1
Seine-et-Marne (77):1
Essonne (91):1
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