Wormslegion - XI |
Description: Erneut lädt der 1. Tabletop-Worms e.V. zum Star Wars Legion Turnier im Vereinsheim.
Anmeldung zusätzlich über Gameuplink https://legion.gameuplink.com/events/wormslegion-xi/
Organizers: 1_TabletopWorms_eV (Contact), Khabarakh (Contact)
Important: The tournament has been canceled!
Gamesystem: Star Wars: Legion (SWL)
Start: 2024-11-09 09:00
End: 2024-11-09 19:00
Seats: 20
Charge: 15 €
Vereinsheim 1. Tabletop Worms e.V.Prinz-Carl-Anlage 4267547 WormsGermany
Website: https://www.facebook.com/1TabletopWorms/ https://www.tabletopturniere.de/ro/t3_tournament.php?tid=35360
Load:0% Info: The tournament has ended.
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