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Gaming Clubs - TEAM ZETTLING

Club Details
Contact: Tomizlav (Contact)
Meeting Place: Hobbyraum von Tomizlav und q-che
Address: Schusterweg 3
8141 Zettling
Description: Bester Jungspieler Salzburger Festspiele (WHFB) 2004
Bemalsieger WHFB-StMS 2004
Sieger LGV Summeropening (WHFB) 2005
3 Warbandturniersiege 2005
Steirischer Meister (WHFB) 2005
Bemalsieger WHFB-StMS 2005
2 Warbandturniersiege 2006
Dreifachsieg Estiria Kreuzzug (BfG) 2006
Sieger LGV Osterturnier (WHFB) 2006
Sieger Steirischer KO-Cup (WHFB) 2006
Steirischer Meister (WHFB) 2006
Sieger SLTAS Osterturnier (WHFB) 2007
Sieger SLTAS Osterturnier (WHFB) 2009
Steirischer Meister (WHFB) 2010
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MembersTabletopsClub PlacementsTournaments
0. Place in the WM-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the BB-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the SAGA-clubranking of Europe
9. Place in the BFG-clubranking of Europe
29. Place in the GB-clubranking of Europe
41. Place in the SWL-clubranking of Europe
255. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of Europe
656. Place in the W40K-clubranking of Europe
0. Place in the SAGA-clubranking of DGermany
23. Place in the GB-clubranking of DGermany
272. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of DGermany
0. Place in the WM-clubranking of AAustria
0. Place in the BB-clubranking of AAustria
0. Place in the SAGA-clubranking of AAustria
3. Place in the BFG-clubranking of AAustria
3. Place in the GB-clubranking of AAustria
3. Place in the SWL-clubranking of AAustria
14. Place in the WHFB-clubranking of AAustria
46. Place in the W40K-clubranking of AAustria

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