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Tournament Results - „Lass uns gemeinsam Schwerter ziehen“ Würfelgötter Teamturnier

Players' Awards

DDaniel aka "doomfighter"player-award-armycompBest Army Composition
DMarvin aka "Marv99"player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
DNick aka "TheOnlyAhlbach"player-award-armycompBest Army Composition
DTim aka "TimBombadil"player-award-bestgeneralBest General
DTobias aka "Silmaril"player-award-bestgeneralBest General

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Army Total
1.1.GoldFellows United53
Tim aka "TimBombadil"player-award-bestgeneralDVellmarThe Wanderers in the Wild0
Tobias aka "Silmaril"player-award-bestgeneralDUnnaThe Wanderers in the Wild0
2.2.SilverHannover Würfelzwerge47
Malte aka "TinHunter"DHannoverThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
Andreas aka "Argontitan"DLindwedelThe Wizards0
3.3.BronzeBergische Würfellöwen - Dunkelelben37
Andreas aka "Avalon_"DBurscheidAngmar0
Andy aka "Dunkelelbandy"DKerpen-Horrem,-TürnichThe Serpent Horde0
Lars aka "Ugi"DLingenGuardians of the Carrock0
Rudolf aka "ronshouse"DGroß HesepeGuardians of the Carrock0
5.5.Messis von Mittelerde33
Steven aka "Cyphedias"DHamburgDesolator of the North0
Constantin aka "Tolkien"DHamburgDesolator of the North0
6.6.Helden des Westens33
Antonio aka "HYBERIAS"DEssenThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
Jan aka "Cpt-Marine"DRecklinghausenThranduil's Hall0
7.7.Teutoburger Ents 232
Alexander aka "Rudini"DBielefeldThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
Carlo aka "ck_c00l"DBielefeldHarad and Umbar0
8.8.Knights des Westens30
Janik aka "Janik_45"DSchermbeckThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
Marc aka "Hobbit91"DWaltropRadagast's Alliance0
Daniel aka "doomfighter"player-award-armycompDRatingenMinas Tirith0
Nick aka "TheOnlyAhlbach"player-award-armycompDRatingenThe Riders of Eorl0
10.10.Teutoburger Ents 127
Romy aka "romrold"DBielefeldRivendell0
Arno aka "ArnoKR"DBielefeldRivendell0
11.11.Das Finstere Bündnis21
Daniel aka "Thungil"DOverathDurin's Folk0
Johann aka "Argetlam"DSolingenMoria0
12.12.Gefährten des Niederrheins20
Marvin aka "Marv99"player-award-bestpaintedDKarlsruheThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains0
Tim aka "timdel95"DNettetalAngmar0
Florian aka "BumBleBee"DMindenThe White Council0
14.14.Das WIRKLICH letzte Bündnis!9
Tim aka "tabletopkram"DBonnThe Wanderers in the Wild0
Christian aka "theaveragehobbydude"DHüttenbergEregion and Rivendell0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Hamburg (2)33.00
2.Ratingen (2)28.00
3.Bielefeld (5)26.60

Army Results:

1.The Wizards (1)47.00
2.The Wanderers in the Wild (3)38.33
3.The Serpent Horde (1)37.00
4.Guardians of the Carrock (2)35.00
5.Thranduil's Hall (1)33.00
5.Desolator of the North (2)33.00
6.The Eagles of the Misty Mountains (5)32.40
7.Harad and Umbar (1)32.00
8.Radagast's Alliance (1)30.00
9.Angmar (2)28.50
10.The Riders of Eorl (1)28.00
10.Minas Tirith (1)28.00
11.Rivendell (3)23.00
12.Moria (1)21.00
12.Durin's Folk (1)21.00
13.The White Council (1)15.00
14.Eregion and Rivendell (1)9.00
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