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Luxembourg AoS Bash - Tournament Results

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Paul aka "Neow"FSuresnesLes Rois PhoenixStormcast Eternals0
2.2.p2Nicolas aka "NicolasR"BZaventemLe CercleDisciples of Tzeentch0
3.3.p3Thomas aka "Scharossar"BWoluwe-Saint-LambertLe CercleFlesh-eater Courts0
4.4.Charles aka "kiri"LLuxembourgHenri's chosenIdoneth Deepkin0
5.5.Gérald aka "Lamnoire"FChâtenay MalabryLes Rois PhoenixShadowblades0
6.6.Sev aka "SevKe"BBruxellesLe CercleStormcast Eternals0
7.7.Grégory aka "Psychoboy"BLillois-WitterzéeLa tour d’ébèneStormcast Eternals0
8.8.Thierry aka "Castagnier"BHoudeng-AimeriesLa tour d’ébèneStormcast Eternals0
9.9.Thyron aka "Pawaco"BHoudeng-AimeriesLa tour d’ébèneFlesh-eater Courts0
10.10.Alexandre aka "AlexLoN"FVitry-Sur-OrneTanelorn57Legions of Nagash0
11.11.William aka "wil7"LLuxembourgHenri's chosenMaggotkin of Nurgle0
12.12.Julien aka "MonsieurChevre"BRognéeLa tour d’ébèneFyreslayers0
13.13.Damien aka "Cocojango"BEnghienLa tour d’ébèneCities of Sigmar0
14.14.Fabien aka "Mouss"FThionvilleTanelorn57Legions of Nagash0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Le Cercle (3)0.00
2.Les Rois Phoenix (2)0.00
3.La tour d’ébène (5)0.00
4.Henri's chosen (2)0.00
5.Tanelorn57 (2)0.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Luxembourg (2)0.00
2.Houdeng-Aimeries (2)0.00

Army Results:

1.Fyreslayers (1)0.00
2.Maggotkin of Nurgle (1)0.00
3.Idoneth Deepkin (1)0.00
4.Stormcast Eternals (4)0.00
5.Flesh-eater Courts (2)0.00
6.Legions of Nagash (2)0.00
7.Shadowblades (1)0.00
8.Disciples of Tzeentch (1)0.00
9.Cities of Sigmar (1)0.00
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