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10. Kamp-Lintforter "Auffe Fresse" - Tournament Results

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Yannic aka "Kumbum"DHerfordTGHEmpire of Sonnstahl56
2.2.p2Stefan aka "Lefy"DAachenACWFWarriors of the Dark Gods49
3.3.p3Peter aka "DucDeGuerre"DDürenBetreutes WürfelnThe Vermin Swarm47
4.4.Frederick aka "Frederick"DHiddenhausenTGHBeast Herds45
5.5.Peter aka "Borgio"DRheinbergBeast Herds44
6.6.Marc aka "Pofalischt"DKölnThis is SpartaDaemon Legions41
7.7.(anonym)DBetreutes WürfelnDaemon Legions38
8.8.Marian aka "MannMitAxt"DKamp-LintfortZack, zerhackt und angekackt!Dwarven Holds32
9.9.Alex aka "Icefrog"DBechelnVollständige SorglosigkeitHighborn Elves30
10.10.Philipp aka "teclishoeth"DWeselSylvan Elves27
11.11.Simon aka "dr-pepper86"DKölnThis is SpartaDaemon Legions26
12.12.(anonym)DBetreutes WürfelnOgre Khans25
13.13.Stefan aka "selandor"DJüchenSaurian Ancients15
14.14.Marco aka "Ruebezahl"DStolberg (Rheinland)ACWFOgre Khans3
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.TGH (2)50.50
2.Betreutes Würfeln (3)36.67
3.This is Sparta (2)33.50
4.ACWF (2)26.00

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Köln (2)33.50
2.Oberzier (2)31.50

Army Results:

1.Empire of Sonnstahl (1)56.00
2.Warriors of the Dark Gods (1)49.00
3.The Vermin Swarm (1)47.00
4.Beast Herds (2)44.50
5.Daemon Legions (3)35.00
6.Dwarven Holds (1)32.00
7.Highborn Elves (1)30.00
8.Sylvan Elves (1)27.00
9.Saurian Ancients (1)15.00
10.Ogre Khans (2)14.00
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