Player Profile - Zurujin
Games | Tournaments | Player's Awards | Rankings | Friends |
Kings of War (176000 Points):
- Abyssal Dwarfs - 8000 Points
- Dwarfs - 7000 Points
- Elves - 8000 Points
- Empire of Dust - 7000 Points
- Forces of Nature - 8000 Points
- Forces of the Abyss - 9000 Points
- Free Dwarfs - 7000 Points
- Goblins - 7000 Points
- Halflings - 7000 Points
- Kingdoms of Men - 7000 Points
- League of Rhordia - 7000 Points
- Northern Alliance - 8000 Points
- Ogres - 7000 Points
- Orcs - 9000 Points
- Order of the Green Lady - 7000 Points
- Ratkin - 7000 Points
- Salamanders - 8000 Points
- Sylvan Kin - 7000 Points
- The Herd - 7000 Points
- Trident Realms of Neritica - 9000 Points
- Twilight Kin - 7000 Points
- Undead - 10000 Points
- Varangur - 8000 Points
- Cygnar
- Protectorate of Menoth
Total: 3 Games, 28 Armies, 176000 Points
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