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Player Profile - Mr_Waffles

Player Profile
Picture of Mr_Waffles
Origin:D12167 Berlin
Favorite game:Star Trek: Attack Wing
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ich organisiere Dropfleet Commander und DUST 1947 (DUST Demo Team) Turniere und Spieletage in Berlin.
Bei Interesse oder Freundschaftsspielen einfach anschreiben.

GamesTournamentsPlayer's AwardsRankingsFriends

Placements in the NTRs:
* ranking-nc10. Place in the DT ranking of DGermany
* ranking-up1024. Place in the WHFB ranking of DGermany

Placements in the ETRs:
* ranking-nc24. Place in the DT ranking of Europe
* ranking-up2528. Place in the WHFB ranking of Europe

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