Players' Awards
Single Player Results:
No. |
Place |
Name |
Origin |
Army |
Total |
1. | 1. | North is coming | 10 |
| | Antoine aka "Kasima" | Marcq En Baroeul | The Inquisition | 0 |
| | Guillaume aka "Verm" | Wattignies | Tyranids | 0 |
| | Clément aka "izipizi" | Croix | Tyranids | 0 |
| | Gaulthier aka "Gott" | Hellemmes | Orks | 0 |
2. | 2. | Chie Mon Bobun | 10 |
| | Jordan aka "joe" | Carnières | Adepta Sororitas | 0 |
| | Thibault aka "kaynos" | Croix | Chaos Daemons | 0 |
| | Kevin aka "Vink" | LILLE | Death Guard | 0 |
| | Arnaud aka "deadpool" | Loos | Chaos Space Marines | 0 |
3. | 3. | La Tour du Gun | 10 |
| | Gabriel aka "JeanClaudeVanGogh" | Namur | Adepta Sororitas | 0 |
| | Arnaud aka "Prolapsus" | Tubize | Thousand Sons | 0 |
| | Jonathan aka "captule" | Dinant | Tyranids | 0 |
| | Nicolas aka "Fr4mboisier" | Braine-Le-Comte | The Inquisition | 0 |
4. | 4. | Passion fluff | 9 |
| | Loic aka "Azael" | Vélizy-Villacoublay | The Inquisition | 0 |
| | Damien aka "Vroum" | Questembert | T'au Empire | 0 |
| | André aka "Glorink" | Trinite-Surzur | Adepta Sororitas | 0 |
| | Guillaume aka "Expli" | Paris | Blood Angels | 0 |
5. | 5. | North is cuming | 8 |
| | Clément aka "Tahiti_Bob" | Lille | Eldar | 0 |
| | Olivier aka "olioli" | Villeneuve d'Ascq | The Inquisition | 0 |
| | Gautier aka "Zeg" | Lille | Astra Militarum | 0 |
| | Valentin aka "Nightwish59" | Armentieres | Thousand Sons | 0 |
6. | 6. | Open Marne | 8 |
| | Benjamin aka "DBZ-buu-buu" | Reims | Ynnari | 0 |
| | Jean-Philippe aka "MagikJips" | Vinay | Adeptus Custodes | 0 |
| | Jean David aka "jeanda19" | Reims | Tyranids | 0 |
| | Jimmy aka "Mandulis666" | La Neuville En Tourne À Fuy | Chaos Space Marines | 0 |
7. | 7. | Les parias du warp | 7 |
| | Michael aka "PyroVegeta" | Lomme | Chaos Daemons | 0 |
| | Geoffroy aka "Vich62" | Drouvin Le Marais | Eldar | 0 |
| | Steven aka "Promerte" | Vendin-Le-Vieil | Adeptus Mechanicus | 0 |
| | Bruno aka "Arakhur" | Loison Sous Lens | Adeptus Custodes | 0 |
8. | 8. | Opale Hammer | 5 |
| | Alexandre aka "Popov" | Boulogne-sur-Mer | Tyranids | 0 |
| | Charles aka "Ultanar" | Raismes | Death Guard | 0 |
| | David aka "Khorak" | Le Portel | Drukhari | 0 |
| | Thomas aka "Katyushass" | Merlimont | Adepta Sororitas | 0 |
9. | 9. | North is Cooking | 5 |
| | Clément aka "Troll_Chevelu" | Marcq En Baroeul | Tyranids | 0 |
| | Rémy aka "Strollgoth" | Ronchin | Chaos Space Marines | 0 |
| | Louis aka "Warghluf" | Arras | Astra Militarum | 0 |
| | Benjamin aka "Draner" | Lille | Blood Angels | 0 |
10. | 10. | North is camping | 4 |
| | David aka "Biggil" | St Andre Lez Lille | Space Wolves | 0 |
| | Timoté aka "Fouraz" | Roubaix | Tyranids | 0 |
| | Pierre-Olivier aka "P-O" | Lambersart | Adeptus Custodes | 0 |
| | Geoffrey aka "DjiBi" | Raimbeaucourt | T'au Empire | 0 |
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points |
City Results (at least 2 players):
Place | Origin | Points |
1. | Croix (2) | 10.00 |
2. | Reims (2) | 8.00 |
3. | Lille (4) | 7.75 |
4. | Marcq En Baroeul (2) | 7.50 |
Army Results:
Place | Army | Points |
1. | Orks (1) | 10.00 |
2. | The Inquisition (4) | 9.25 |
3. | Thousand Sons (2) | 9.00 |
4. | Chaos Daemons (2) | 8.50 |
4. | Adepta Sororitas (4) | 8.50 |
5. | Ynnari (1) | 8.00 |
6. | Chaos Space Marines (3) | 7.67 |
7. | Eldar (2) | 7.50 |
7. | Death Guard (2) | 7.50 |
8. | Tyranids (7) | 7.43 |
9. | Blood Angels (2) | 7.00 |
9. | Adeptus Mechanicus (1) | 7.00 |
10. | Astra Militarum (2) | 6.50 |
10. | T'au Empire (2) | 6.50 |
11. | Adeptus Custodes (3) | 6.33 |
12. | Drukhari (1) | 5.00 |
13. | Space Wolves (1) | 4.00 |