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Regional Vorbereitungs GNK Turnier vom Fantasy In - Tournament Results

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Gregor aka "Loki-Wan"DHamburgHolsten InfernoRebel Alliance5
2.2.p2Christopher aka "Dr-Crit"DWolfsburgX-Wing Men WolfsburgGalactic Empire4
3.3.p3Sebastian aka "rashktah"DLehrteX-Wing SelbsthilfegruppeRebel Alliance4
4.4.Sebastian aka "Lys"DHamburgHolsten InfernoGalactic Empire4
5.5.Bastian aka "DekoRator"DHannoverX-Wing SelbsthilfegruppeGalactic Empire3
6.6.Timo aka "Darth_Sell"DHamburgSith - ImperiumScum and Villainy3
7.7.Björn aka "sniktrack"DBraunschweigSuKV SZRebel Alliance3
8.8.Daniel aka "ScumDan"DHannoverX-Wing SelbsthilfegruppeScum and Villainy3
9.9.Michael aka "Freed"DOttensteinX-WING SelbsthilfegruppeScum and Villainy3
10.10.Christian aka "MadDog"DBargfeld-StegenSith - ImperiumScum and Villainy3
11.11.Manish aka "Tharlin"DRauenbergGalactic Empire3
12.12.Mathias aka "Dete"DSpringeX-Wing SelbsthilfegruppeScum and Villainy3
13.13.Philipp aka "Enginseer"DKaufungenCFCRebel Alliance2
14.14.Christian aka "ChrisStorm"DHannoversch MündenCFCGalactic Empire2
15.15.Sebastian aka "The_Doctor"DLehrteScum and Villainy2
16.16.(anonym)DLüneburg SaltwalkersGalactic Empire2
17.17.(anonym)DO'Bannion BandeGalactic Empire1
18.18.Florian aka "Moradin89"DWitzenhausenCFCRebel Alliance1
19.19.Mike aka "Liranon"DLüneburgScum and Villainy1
20.20.Thomas aka "Jeldrik"DPeineGalactic Empire0
21.21.(anonym)DScum and Villainy1
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Holsten Inferno (2)4.50
2.X-Wing Selbsthilfegruppe (5)3.20
3.CFC (3)1.67

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Hamburg (3)4.00
2.Lehrte (2)3.00
3.Hannover (2)3.00
4.Lüneburg (2)1.50

Army Results:

1.Rebel Alliance (5)3.00
2.Scum and Villainy (8)2.38
3.Galactic Empire (8)2.38
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