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Bastards Ath War in the Old World - List of Participants

1. Pierre aka "CafeGrandMere"BBruxelles7Warriors of ChaosRieurs Sangliersyesyes
2. Arvid aka "Arvid_dc"BGent-Empire of ManNo teamyesyes
3. Ruben aka "Wrakker"NLBiervliet35Daemons of Chaosyesyes
4. Adrien aka "Nanou2"BBruxelles29Chaos DwarfsRieurs Sangliersyesyes
5. Julien aka "godtbilator"BBruxelles13Kingdom of BretonniaLe Bunker Bastardsyesyes
6. De Coninck aka "barbosor"BWaterloo18Tomb Kings of KhemriLe Bunker Bastardsyesyes
7. Cédric aka "NotAGosu"BCortil Noirmont9Warriors of Chaosyesyes

Distribution of Armies
Warriors of Chaos:2
Chaos Dwarfs:1
Daemons of Chaos:1
Empire of Man:1
Kingdom of Bretonnia:1
Tomb Kings of Khemri:1
Distribution of Origins
Cortil Noirmont:1
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