As we have many players to sign in and we'll start early at 9 o'clock with the first game, we're running a tight schedule on Saturday morning. This is how it should work fine for all:
Side Event:
You have to sign in at the event to be on the list for the first game. We will delete all players that have not signed in at saturday at 8.30. That means that you better be prepared to be there realy early... or already at Friday :). We're opening the registration at Friday in the evening and you can sign in and pay the entry fee if not done already.
Main Event:
Here only the team captains have to sign in, but we also need to know that the whole teams are there! Registration goes till saturday 8.30. Any team that is not registered until then and payed the entry fee (if missing) will not play first round!
If you arrive at Friday please use the time to sign in your team and pay the entry fee!
We need to start in time so the times are very restricted at the tournament(s).
The same goes for results: We have a time table and we will make annoucements about the time. If the time is over and a result is not submitted at the tech guys, we have to count the match as 0 : 0 !
Hope to see you all well soon :)
Here is my mobile number for emergencies: 049 170 9080616
Please call if you know that you gonna be late so that we can plan accordingly. Best pratice is still to arrive Friday evening. ;)
The timetable is now online, be prepared to start very early at 9 o´clock.
Der Zeitplan ist nun online. Wir beginnen sehr früh, am Samstag fängt um 9h das erste Spiel an, wir bitten euch daher unbedingt allerspätestens um 8.30h einzutreffen.
Die Miniaturen müssen vollständig bemalt sein, es gibt für die Bemalung keine Punkte.
Ein Wort noch an unsere deutschen Teilnehmer: denkt daran das dies ein internationales Turnier ist und die Hauptsprache ist englisch, also bereitet bitte auch eine Armeeliste auf englisch vor (Armybuilder z.B.).