Player Profile - der_Vegetarier
Player Profile |
Friends (9)
Description: Leidenschaftlicher Warhammer Fantasy Spieler ... am Liebsten Skaven und Oger : )
Games | Tournaments | Player's Awards | Rankings | Friends |
Battlefleet Gothic (1000 Points):
- Tyranid Fleet - 1000 Points
Warhammer 40K (8500 Points):
- Chaos Space Marines - 1500 Points
- Necrons - 3000 Points
- Tyranids - 4000 Points
Warhammer Fantasy Battles (29500 Points):
- Chaos Warriors - 3500 Points
- Daemons of Chaos - 2000 Points
- Empire - 2000 Points
- Ogre Kingdoms - 3000 Points
- Skaven - 6000 Points
- Tomb Kings - 6000 Points
- Vampire Counts - 4000 Points
- Wood Elves - 3000 Points
Warhammer: The Old World (31000 Points):
- Daemons of Chaos - 2000 Points
- Empire of Man - 3500 Points
- Ogre Kingdoms - 4000 Points
- Skaven - 6000 Points
- Tomb Kings of Khemri - 6000 Points
- Vampire Counts - 4000 Points
- Warriors of Chaos - 3000 Points
- Wood Elf Realms - 2500 Points
Total: 4 Games, 20 Armies, 70000 Points
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