Player Profile - Brazork
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Description: Khemri Ogerkönigreiche Orks und Goblins Imperium
Games | Tournaments | Player's Awards | Rankings | Friends |
Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game:
- Lord of the Rings:
- Arnor
- Barad-dûr
- Cirith Ungol
- Dol Guldur
- Durin's Folk
- Erebor
- Khazad-dûm
- The Army of the High King
- The Black Gate
- The Fellowship
- The Grey Company
- The Legions of the White Hand
- The Nazgûl
- The Hobbit:
- Army of Thror
- Azog's Hunters
- Goblin Town
- Isengard
- Mordor
- Radagast's Alliance
- The Fellowship
- The Trolls
- Thorin's Company
- Middenheimer Warband
- Orc & Goblin Warband
- Sisters of Sigmar Warband
- Witch Hunter Warband
The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles:
- Åsklanders
- Empire of Sonnstahl
- Ogre Khans
- Orcs and Goblins
- Undying Dynasties
- Vampire Covenant
- Warriors of the Dark Gods
Warhammer Fantasy Battles (19000+ Points):
- Chaos Warriors - 2500 Points
- Empire - 3500 Points
- Ogre Kingdoms - 3000 Points
- Orcs & Goblins - 3000 Points
- Tomb Kings - 7000 Points
- Vampire Counts
Warhammer: The Old World:
- Empire of Man
- Ogre Kingdoms
- Orc & Goblin Tribes
- Tomb Kings of Khemri
- Vampire Counts
- Warriors of Chaos
Total: 6 Games, 45 Armies, 19000 Points
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