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[42 -saint etienne] Vinter is coming 2018 - Tournament Results

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Guillaume aka "Philogneus"FLyonLegion of Everblight3
2.2.p2Jean-Philippe aka "Wolves_of_Brutus"FLyonLegion of Everblight2
3.3.p3Sébastien aka "seblewolf"FSeyssinet-ParisetLes Brûleurs de PitouxGrymkin2
4.4.Benoit aka "Hudsonh"FGrenobleLes Brûleurs de PitouxThe Skorne2
5.5.Arthur aka "John_McForester"FDijonSlips en Peau De Yaks PoilusCryx2
6.6.Benjamin aka "JudaPriest"FGrenobleLes Brûleurs de PitouxThe Circle Orboros1
7.7.Nicolas aka "Ptit_Nico"FDijonSlips en Peau De Yaks PoilusKhador1
8.8.Emmanuel aka "manu69"FVilleurbanneLegion of Everblight1
9.9.Yannick aka "Elros38"FGrenobleLes Brûleurs de PitouxCygnar1
10.10.Jean-Noël aka "bullwai"FBourg-En-BresseALBTrollblood0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Les Brûleurs de Pitoux (4)1.50
2.Slips en Peau De Yaks Poilus (2)1.50

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Lyon (2)2.50
2.Dijon (2)1.50
3.Grenoble (3)1.33

Army Results:

1.The Skorne (1)2.00
2.Cryx (1)2.00
3.Legion of Everblight (3)2.00
4.Grymkin (1)2.00
5.Khador (1)1.00
6.The Circle Orboros (1)1.00
7.Cygnar (1)1.00
8.Trollblood (1)0.00
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