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Star Wars X-Wing AVRIL @L'Autre Monde Format standard - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

BAntoine aka "AntoineH05"player-award-youngbloodYoungblood
BFlorence aka "TentacleLady"player-award-youngbloodYoungblood

Single Player Results:

No. Place Name Origin Team Army Total
1.1.p1Bruno aka "Rhen"FSaint Amand Les EauxScum and Villainy20
2.2.p2Laurent aka "Auramagma"BHognoulScum and Villainy15
3.3.p3Fabien aka "djidy"BWaimesroXor teamRebel Alliance10
4.4.Olivier aka "bong"BLiègeGalactic Empire10
5.5.Jérôme aka "jerome5555"BNandrinLa voix d'AoGalactic Empire10
6.6.Marcel aka "Totoro"NLNeeritterFly Casual BatrepsRebel Alliance10
7.7.Antoine aka "AntoineH05"player-award-youngbloodBBastogneRebel Alliance10
8.8.Florence aka "TentacleLady"player-award-youngbloodBLiègeScum and Villainy5
9.9.Mathias aka "IKEDRAGNEEL"BAmayLa voix d'AoRebel Alliance5
10.10.Eric aka "Fleche"BHerstalWallons nousGalactic Empire0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.La voix d'Ao (2)7.50

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Liège (2)7.50

Army Results:

1.Scum and Villainy (3)13.33
2.Rebel Alliance (4)8.75
3.Galactic Empire (3)6.67
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