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Krawall im Stall 2 - List of Participants

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Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
1. Marco aka "Rollnureinsa"DDuisburg420Orruk Warclansno
2. Sebastian aka "Torino90"DMülheim an der Ruhr843Seraphonno
3. Matthias aka "Bartuk-Matthias"DMünster381Tamurkhan’s HordeMighty Miscasters Münsterno
4. Tristan aka "Priimetime"DGelsenkirchen7Disciples of TzeentchStündchen AoSno
5. Stefan aka "Bossk"DOsnabrück467Fyreslayersno
6. Daniel aka "Daniel-S"DReken329Grand Alliance OrderMighty Miscaster Münsterno
7. Michael aka "Shaitan"DMünster-Maggotkin of Nurgleno
8. Nikolaj aka "Scheppi"DBochum389Grand Alliance OrderDie Kellerkinderno
9. Lukas aka "Gihboh"DGreven945Gloomspite GitzMighty Miscasters Münsterno
10. Boris aka "Borle"DGreven525Stormcast EternalsMighty Miscasters Münsterno
11. Phillip aka "Baumwollschaf"DMünster213SeraphonMighty Miscasters Münsterno
12. Maximilian aka "Kartoffelarsch"DMünster296Grand Alliance ChaosMighty Miscasters Münsterno
13. Julian aka "JulianW"DPaderborn664Slaves to DarknessWolpertinger Allstarsno

Distribution of Armies
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Distribution of Origins
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