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Baltic Bash Team Edition - List of Participants

1. Henrik aka "EPOSone"DRoggentin147Grand Alliance ChaosCasual Dadsyesno
2. Kai aka "Bronco"DRostock70Lumineth Realm-LordsCasual Dadsyesno
3. Dennis aka "bloodysnake"DKassow113SkavenCasual Dadsyesno
4. Lars aka "Live"DHalle165Cities of SigmarCoinflippersyesno
5. Michael aka "Plewin"DLeipzig23Maggotkin of NurgleCoinflippersyesno
6. Jan aka "Janathor"DLeipzig150Grand Alliance OrderCoinflippersyesno
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
7. Daniel aka "PestOrDie"DBerlin577Maggotkin of NurgleTrio Infernalenono
8. Denny aka "Megaboss"DBerlin302Grand Alliance DeathTrio Infernalenono
9. Jonas aka "Geobe0"DRostock15Stormcast EternalsDie Ritter des Fliesentischsnono
10. Patrick aka "LordPatrick"DBerlin42Blades of KhorneBerliner Bärenbandenono
11. David aka "Paintingcas"DBerlin90Slaves to DarknessBerliner Bärenbandenono
12. Robert aka "Gaukler95"DBerlin12Grand Alliance ChaosBerliner Bärenbandenono
13. Jannis aka "Rattenoger"DBerlin105Grand Alliance ChaosSons of the Stormnono
14. Toni aka "torwaechter97"DBerlin490Stormcast EternalsSons of the Stormnono
15. Denny aka "EnLesT"DSchwerin140Slaves to DarknessDie Ritter des Fliesentischsnono
16. Tim Hans aka "Hansi97"DLübow99The Legion of AzgorhDie Ritter des Fliesentischsnono
17. Patrick aka "CiaphasHRO"DBad Doberan280Lumineth Realm-LordsBaltic Tableflopnono
18. Jonas aka "Akyla"DBerlin634Stormcast EternalsSons of the Stormnono
19. Tom aka "Tom86"DRostock715Stormcast EternalsBaltic Tableflopnono
20. Leon aka "MightyGrongoll"DRostock325Grand Alliance ChaosAoShitshow (Baltic Tableflop 2)nono

List of teams

1Casual DadsEPOSone, bloodysnake, Bronco
2CoinflippersLive, Plewin, Janathor
Registered teams
3Trio InfernalePestOrDie, Megaboss
4Die Ritter des FliesentischsGeobe0, EnLesT, Hansi97
5Berliner BärenbandeLordPatrick, Paintingcas, Gaukler95
6Baltic TableflopCiaphasHRO, Tom86
7Sons of the StormRattenoger, torwaechter97, Akyla
8AoShitshow (Baltic Tableflop 2)MightyGrongoll

Distribution of Armies
Cities of Sigmar:1
Grand Alliance Chaos:1
Grand Alliance Order:1
Lumineth Realm-Lords:1
Maggotkin of Nurgle:1
Distribution of Origins
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