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Befreiung von Ryloth II - List of Participants

1. Richard aka "Jonas_Walcker"DDüsseldorf3RebelsDüsseldorf Altbiermetayes
Registered Players - Sign up not final yet
2. Alexander aka "Bantha1"DBonn15Empireno
3. Andreas aka "Spike-"DMeckenheim6Republic#BonnerMetano
4. Daniel aka "DTW"DMönchengladbach90RebelsTCMG-DTWno
5. Melano aka "Remosch"DBochum107Rebelsno
6. Gerrit aka "Goerrit"DBocholt7SeparatistsTischkriegerno
7. Robert F. aka "Xantalora"DLüdenscheid108Rebelsno
8. Maxim aka "MZ1705"DDüsseldorf13RebelsDüsseldorf Altbiermetano

Distribution of Armies
Distribution of Origins
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