No. |
Place |
Name |
Origin |
Army |
Total |
1. | 1. | Begian Chocolates | 250 |
| | Nico aka "PrinceCharming" | Leopoldsburg | Saurian Ancients | 0 |
| | Geoffrey aka "Gregor" | Ligne | Daemon Legions | 0 |
| | Pascal aka "SmithF" | Bruxelles | Dread Elves | 0 |
| | Guy aka "IHDarklord" | Roeselare | Undying Dynasties | 0 |
2. | 2. | La Bande à Basile | 230 |
| | Juan aka "Xso" | Paris | Sylvan Elves | 0 |
| | Renato aka "Kermit" | Paris | Undying Dynasties | 0 |
| | Thomas aka "Lake" | Montrouge | Ogre Khans | 0 |
| | Xxxx aka "Humblr" | Paris | Saurian Ancients | 0 |
3. | 3. | hot and bash | 227 |
| | Alexandre aka "Polasky" | Saint-fuscien | Beast Herds | 0 |
| | Pierre aka "kerathop" | Châtellerault | Infernal Dwarves | 0 |
| | Zacharie aka "luthorhuss" | Le Mans | Ogre Khans | 0 |
| | Gaspard aka "Gaspacho" | Rouen | Orcs and Goblins | 0 |
4. | 4. | Les chevaliers de la duchesse | 209 |
| | Guillaume aka "Gozher" | Nantes | Vampire Covenant | 0 |
| | Loïc aka "Chareos" | Nantes | Empire of Sonnstahl | 0 |
| | Benjamin aka "Brutal" | Nantes | Beast Herds | 0 |
| | Jérémie aka "Cheveux" | Nantes | The Vermin Swarm | 0 |
5. | 5. | Yeomen 1 | 203 |
| | Stéphane aka "NevaR" | Bpv | Vampire Covenant | 0 |
| | Thomas aka "redisdead" | Puteaux | Orcs and Goblins | 0 |
| | Xavier aka "Scott59" | Châteaudun | Saurian Ancients | 0 |
| | David aka "redemeer" | Sancerre | Empire of Sonnstahl | 0 |
6. | 6. | FBJ Canal Historique | 200 |
| | Jean-Cyrille aka "valius-lisanus" | Antony | Infernal Dwarves | 0 |
| | Johan aka "Cynosarge" | Paris | Vampire Covenant | 0 |
| | Fabrice aka "Babnik" | Joinville le Pont | Kingdom of Equitaine | 0 |
| | Florent aka "blustyle" | maisons-laffitte(Paris) | Undying Dynasties | 0 |
7. | 7. | Henri's chosen | 199 |
| | Sebastien aka "Zlatanlux" | Bivange | Vampire Covenant | 0 |
| | Paul aka "Koudelkar" | Syren | The Vermin Swarm | 0 |
| | Sébastien aka "Wally" | Capellen | Infernal Dwarves | 0 |
| | William aka "wil7" | Luxemburg | Daemon Legions | 0 |
8. | 8. | L'Alliance | 198 |
| | Ced aka "ceddur" | Anhiers | Saurian Ancients | 0 |
| | Nicolas aka "Branlibu" | Douai | Kingdom of Equitaine | 0 |
| | Mathieu aka "Zur" | Wattignies | Sylvan Elves | 0 |
| | Thomas aka "Varathorn" | Auby | Dwarven Holds | 0 |
9. | 9. | Rieurs Sangliers | 193 |
| | Edouard aka "Wraysford" | Bruxelles | Vampire Covenant | 0 |
| | Loick aka "logik" | Bruxelles | Infernal Dwarves | 0 |
| | François aka "Valmir" | Ath | The Vermin Swarm | 0 |
| | Camille aka "Sire_Trencavel" | Bruxelles | Empire of Sonnstahl | 0 |
10. | 10. | Space Catins | 191 |
| | Racoon aka "BlackRacoon" | Rouen | Vampire Covenant | 0 |
| | Jonas aka "LeonTrodSkill" | Rouen | Undying Dynasties | 0 |
| | Rémy aka "Lothemar" | Versailles | Highborn Elves | 0 |
| | Virgil aka "Bily" | Rouen | Empire of Sonnstahl | 0 |
11. | 11. | 1DTroyes | 188 |
| | Flavien aka "radagast" | Arcis sur Aube | Empire of Sonnstahl | 0 |
| | Ludovic aka "ludmar" | La Chapelle St Luc | Orcs and Goblins | 0 |
| | Jonathan aka "Kroxi38" | Ruy | Daemon Legions | 0 |
| | Guillaume aka "Vollen" | Troyes | Dwarven Holds | 0 |
12. | 12. | les ch'tis n'ours | 187 |
| | Clément aka "Tahiti_Bob" | Lille | Vampire Covenant | 0 |
| | Richard aka "my_way" | Lille | Ogre Khans | 0 |
| | Axel aka "Tictac" | Mouvaux | Orcs and Goblins | 0 |
| | Alban aka "crocmor" | Tourcoing | Warriors of the Dark Gods | 0 |
13. | 13. | In Tartiflette We Trust | 186 |
| | Laurent aka "MysticAngel" | Gerbaix | Vampire Covenant | 0 |
| | Simon aka "Chamsnik" | Chambéry | Orcs and Goblins | 0 |
| | Nicolas aka "mercos" | nantes | Ogre Khans | 0 |
| | Pierre aka "edelen" | Chambéry | Dwarven Holds | 0 |
14. | 14. | Les ch'tis n'ours bruns Bis | 167 |
| | Alan aka "avrok" | Hazebrouck | Infernal Dwarves | 0 |
| | Rémy aka "Xanaxide" | Le Quesnoy | Ogre Khans | 0 |
| | Claire aka "Rox" | Hazebrouck | Sylvan Elves | 0 |
| | Anthony aka "Orphis" | Crupet | Orcs and Goblins | 0 |
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points |